Bug #927
closedHostname changes when using clientcert for names, and editing a host
Foreman v: 0.2
When using clientcert as the hostname, the hosts appear correctly in the ui.
If you then click on the host, you'll see the clientcert in the browser URL.
Example: http://foreman.lab:3000/hosts/temporary
If you then click on "Edit" you are taken to the page that displays the host properties as expected.
At this point, they URL in the browser still looks as you'd expect.
Example: http://foreman.lab:3000/hosts/temporary/edit
However, if you edit the host (in my case, I added a Parameter) and click submit, you'll get a message saying the change was saved successfully. HOWEVER, if you look at the browser bar now, it appears to append the domain. (also worth noting, it may come back and say host not found. it's about 50/50 between success, and host not found)
Example: http://foreman.lab:3000/hosts/temporary.localdomain
The result is: your ENC values aren't being saved to the host you think it is. Meaning that templates for the real host are either going to be populated with the global value, OR; if there is no matching global value.. the template will error out when the client tries to apply the catalog (the ENC would return no value)
Updated by Benjamin Papillon over 12 years ago
Does this bug is still relevant for 0.4.2? (or 1.0 if it is released ;))
Updated by Benjamin Papillon over 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Target version set to Bug scrub
This bug has been fixed.