Bug #9494
openUsers are not added to groups based on LDAP group membership
I connect my foreman instance to our LDAP server for user login and groups.
The LDAP server is an OpenLDAP instance managed through GOsa².
The structure:
_____cn=First User
__cn=Second User
user objectclasses:
- gosaAccount
- gosaMailAccount
- inetOrgPerson
- organisationalPerson
- person
- posixAccount
- shadowAccount
rdn: cn=Firstname Surname
group objectclasses:
- gosaAcl
- groupOfNames
- posixGroup
relevant attributes: cn (name), member (full DN of a user), memberUid (uid value of a user)
Foreman adds the server as a posix server and has ou=int,dc=domain,dc=tld as the base DN and ou=groups,ou=int,dc=domain,dc=tld as the group DN and user auto creation is enabled.
User attribute mappings:
login -> uid
first name -> givenName
surname -> sn
email address -> mail
picture -> jpegPhoto
The user group:
In foreman: Group1 with Admin as the Role
In LDAP: cn=group1,ou=int,dc=domain,dc=tld
Adding the external LDAP group to the foreman group as well as logging in with LDAP credentials works perfectly fine.
The users however do not receive their groups.
I think the problem might be related to this query from the refresh-group.log:
SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."login" IN ('firstname1 surname1', 'firstname2 surname2') ORDER BY firstname
Updated by Dominic Cleal about 10 years ago
- Category changed from Authentication to Users, Roles and Permissions