Bug #9976
closedWeb UI tries to allow promotion of CVs with no environment
Cloned from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1189169
Description of problem:
If you have version 1 of a CV in Library and you create a new version, the original v1 remains, but with no environment associated. That's ok.
But, the Promote button for that version is still active, and you can click it and the UI asks for an environment to promote to, but you can't select anything.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create a CV and life cycle environment, path, etc
2. Publish the CV to Library
3. Create a new version
4. Notice that Promote button is available both versions
Actual results:
Promote is available for earlier versions.
Expected results:
Should only be able to promote the latest version.
Additional info:
Updated by Eric Helms almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Need more information
- Triaged changed from No to Yes
The existence of the promote buttons of versions not currently in an environment is not incorrect behavior. In your scenario, once we publish version 2, version 1 (having only existed in Library) is archived. In order to 'revert' to version 1 again, the user must promote version 1 from the archive to the Library. If you look at the task when you publish, you will note that is indicates performing 2 operations: publish version 2 and then promoting that new version to Library. Now, if when clicking promote for an archived version the user does not see Library as an option that is an actual bug.
Updated by Eric Helms about 9 years ago
- Translation missing: en.field_release set to 86
Updated by Eric Helms about 9 years ago
- Status changed from Need more information to Rejected
- Translation missing: en.field_release changed from 86 to 114
Updated by Jonathon Turel over 4 years ago
- Target version changed from Katello Backlog to Katello Recycle Bin