Bug #23352
Updated by Sven Lueder almost 7 years ago
I am using Foreman Proxy to register DNS entries using the API. Issue: When trying to register a reverse DNS entry (PTR record) I do receive the following error: Invalid reverse DNS Solution: Looking into the code i see that the trailing dots in PTR FQDNs are not permitted, although they should. The following patch will solve the issue: <pre> cd /usr/share/foreman-proxy/modules/dns patch -p0 dns_api.rb << '@EOF' *** dns_api.rb 2018-04-03 13:04:42.000000000 +0200 --- dada 2018-04-22 06:17:01.601331980 +0200 *************** *** 79,85 **** def validate_reverse_dns_name!(name) validate_dns_name!(name) ! raise Proxy::Dns::Error.new("Invalid reverse DNS #{name}") unless name =~ /\.(in-addr|ip6)\.arpa$/ end end end --- 79,85 ---- def validate_reverse_dns_name!(name) validate_dns_name!(name) ! raise Proxy::Dns::Error.new("Invalid reverse DNS #{name}") unless name =~ /\.(in-addr|ip6)\.arpa\.?$/ end end end @EOF </pre>