Bug #3297
Updated by Martin Bacovsky over 11 years ago
The goal is to provision bare metal host on a clean install of Foreman. The following steps are necessary: * create smart proxy <pre> hammer proxy create --name myproxy proxy --url https://proxy.my.net:8443 </pre> https://mahakam.mbacovsk.redhat.com:8443 * create architecture * create new subnet * import existing subnet from a proxy * create new domain * associate domain with proxy * associate subnet with domain * associate subnet with proxy (DHCP, TFTP, DNS) * create new partition table * create new OS * create new template * edit existing pre-defined template * associate applicable OS with pre-defined template * associate OS with architecture * associate OS with part table * associate OS with install media * associate OS with install provision and pxelinux templates * create libvirt compute resource * create puppet environment * and finally create a bare metal host entry