Bug #25818
Updated by John Mitsch about 6 years ago
Cloned from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1652732
*Description of problem:*
Virt-who reported host on Satellite WEB-UI , under Hosts---> Content Hosts shows "Type" as blank
*Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):*
*How reproducible:*
*Steps to Reproduce:*
1.Configure/Deploy the virt-who using the (UI -> Infrastructure -> Virt-who configurations). The configuration deployed successfully.
2. Check the status (UI -> Hosts -> Content Hosts ->virt-who-<FQDN>)
*Actual results:*
Type is not getting populated, as it is showing as blank.
*Expected results:*
Type should be specified to identify the hypervisor type.
*Additional info:*