


Refactor #29540

Updated by John Mitsch over 4 years ago

There are deprecation warnings about functionality Following the activity for 3.15 release, the tool belt deprecations output generated indications for the following: 

 Deprecation warning at [...]/app/controllers/katello/api/rhsm/candlepin_dynflow_proxy_controller.rb line 70 is marked for removal in version 3.15, which is less than or equal to be removed the specified version of 3.15.0. 
 Deprecation warning at [...]/app/controllers/katello/api/v2/hosts_bulk_actions_controller.rb line 102 is marked for removal in 3.16. We need version 2.0, which is less than or equal to remove the following specified version of 3.15.0. 
 Deprecation warning at [...]/app/controllers/katello/api/v2/hosts_bulk_actions_controller.rb line 111 is marked for removal in 3.16: 

 version 2.0, which is less than or equal to the specified version of 3.15.0. 
 Deprecation warning at /home/jomitsch/tool_belt/repos/katello/3.15.0/katello/app/lib/actions/katello/repository/update.rb [...]/app/controllers/katello/api/v2/subscriptions_controller.rb line 16 203 is marked for removal in version 2.6, which is less than or equal to the specified version of 3.15.0. 
 Deprecation warning at [...]/app/controllers/katello/api/v2/repositories_controller.rb line 223 is marked for removal in version 3.16, which is less than or equal to the *next* release version. specified version of 3.15.0. 
 Deprecation warning at /home/jomitsch/tool_belt/repos/katello/3.15.0/katello/app/lib/actions/katello/repository/update.rb [...]/app/controllers/katello/api/v2/repositories_controller.rb line 20 413 is marked for removal in version 3.3, which is less than or equal to the specified version of 3.15.0. 
 Deprecation warning at [...]/app/controllers/katello/api/v2/host_subscriptions_controller.rb line 58 is marked for removal in version 3.16, which is less than or equal to the *next* release version. specified version of 3.15.0. 
 Deprecation warning at /home/jomitsch/tool_belt/repos/katello/3.15.0/katello/app/lib/actions/katello/repository/create.rb [...]/app/controllers/katello/api/v2/host_subscriptions_controller.rb line 14 161 is marked for removal in version 3.5, which is less than or equal to the specified version of 3.15.0. 
 Deprecation warning at [...]/app/controllers/katello/api/v2/content_view_versions_controller.rb line 291 is marked for removal in version 3.4, which is less than or equal to the specified version of 3.15.0. 
 Deprecation warning at [...]app/lib/actions/katello/repository/update.rb line 16 is marked for removal in version 3.16, which is less than or equal to the *next* release version. specified version of 3.15.0. 
 Deprecation warning at /home/jomitsch/tool_belt/repos/katello/3.15.0/katello/app/lib/actions/katello/repository/create.rb [...]app/lib/actions/katello/repository/update.rb line 18 20 is marked for removal in version 3.16, which is less than or equal to the *next* release version. specified version of 3.15.0. 
 Deprecation warning at /home/jomitsch/tool_belt/repos/katello/3.15.0/katello/app/controllers/katello/api/v2/host_subscriptions_controller.rb [...]app/lib/actions/katello/repository/create.rb line 58 14 is marked for removal in version 3.16, which is less than or equal to the *next* release version. specified version of 3.15.0. 
 Deprecation warning at /home/jomitsch/tool_belt/repos/katello/3.15.0/katello/app/controllers/katello/api/v2/repositories_controller.rb [...]/app/lib/actions/katello/repository/create.rb line 223 18 is marked for removal in version 3.16, which is less than or equal to the *next* release version. specified version of 3.15.0. 
