


Bug #30526

Updated by Shira Maximov over 4 years ago

steps to reporduce:  
 1. create Cloned from  

 *Description of problem:* 

 When creating a hostgroup with CR and OS that host via Satellite, using the template image, the Finish template script is linked not executed on the created host if the Satellite cannot resolve the hostname to user-data provisioning template  
 2. create the DNS. 

 *Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):* 
 Satellite 6.6 

 *How reproducible:* 
 Create a host from that hostgroup on the Satellite via image base. 

 *Steps to Reproduce:* 
 1. Create a host via Satellite based on the image template. 
 2. The host will be created, however, the finished template is not executed on the created host. 
 3. Resolve Provisioning Templates 

 User data template Template wasn't resolved  

 expected result: *Actual results:* 
 The user data should Satellite server tries to lookup the hostname, however, if the Satellite does not manage the DNS it will fail as the A register will not be resolved. available on the DNS. 

 *Expected results:* 
 The Satellite could reach the host via IP address when the Satellite cannot lookup the IP from the DNS. 

 *Additional info:* 

 Following the error when the Satellite cannot solve the hostname, however, the host can be reached via IP address. 

 2020-01-03T16:06:41 [I|app|46aa1ac9] Completed 200 OK in 7ms (Views: 0.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.4ms) 
 2020-01-03T16:06:42 [W|app|fe992659] Failed to login via SSH to execution expired 
 2020-01-03T16:06:42 [W|app|fe992659] Rolling back due to a problem: [#<Orchestration::Task:0x00007f1db4a79d50 @name="Wait for to come online", @id="Wait for to come online", @status="failed", @priority=2001, @action=[#<Host::Managed id: 29, name: "", last_compile: nil, last_report: nil, updated_at: "2020-01-03 21:04:38", created_at: "2020-01-03 21:04:38", root_pass: "$5$kEd10L7IdvqRwpWf$M9wsWrylBwbmU4ZOQE/H.uN78JxPhU...", architecture_id: 1, operatingsystem_id: 2, environment_id: 1, ptable_id: 94, medium_id: nil, build: true, comment: "", disk: "", installed_at: nil, model_id: nil, hostgroup_id: 2, owner_id: 4, owner_type: "User", enabled: true, puppet_ca_proxy_id: 1, managed: true, use_image: nil, image_file: nil, uuid: "6c4cc943-b203-4eb5-a1d7-d52f81463264", compute_resource_id: 1, puppet_proxy_id: 1, certname: nil, image_id: 3, organization_id: 1, location_id: 2, type: "Host::Managed", otp: nil, realm_id: nil, compute_profile_id: 1, provision_method: "image", grub_pass: "$6$OMfYTGyQZEzE1Vli$3dMi8e1vVe1lgQIOlLTadtcK9L36uB...", discovery_rule_id: nil, global_status: 0, lookup_value_matcher: "", pxe_loader: "PXELinux BIOS", openscap_proxy_id: nil, initiated_at: nil, build_errors: nil>, :setSSHWaitForResponse], @created=1578085472.523799, @timestamp=2020-01-03 21:06:42 UTC>] 
