


Bug #2382

Updated by Benjamin Papillon almost 11 years ago

Click on the chart of Statistics -> "OS Distribution" or "Architecture Distribution" brings to postgres error: 


 PGError: ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "fact_values" LINE 1: ...mes" fact_names_314650 ON ( = fact_value... ^ : SELECT "hosts"."id" AS t0_r0, "hosts"."name" AS t0_r1, "hosts"."ip" AS t0_r2, "hosts"."environment" AS t0_r3, "hosts"."last_compile" AS t0_r4, "hosts"."last_freshcheck" AS t0_r5, "hosts"."last_report" AS t0_r6, "hosts"."updated_at" AS t0_r7, "hosts"."source_file_id" AS t0_r8, "hosts"."created_at" AS t0_r9, "hosts"."mac" AS t0_r10, "hosts"."root_pass" AS t0_r11, "hosts"."serial" AS t0_r12, "hosts"."puppet_status" AS t0_r13, "hosts"."domain_id" AS t0_r14, "hosts"."architecture_id" AS t0_r15, "hosts"."operatingsystem_id" AS t0_r16, "hosts"."environment_id" AS t0_r17, "hosts"."subnet_id" AS t0_r18, "hosts"."ptable_id" AS t0_r19, "hosts"."medium_id" AS t0_r20, "hosts"."build" AS t0_r21, "hosts"."comment" AS t0_r22, "hosts"."disk" AS t0_r23, "hosts"."installed_at" AS t0_r24, "hosts"."model_id" AS t0_r25, "hosts"."hostgroup_id" AS t0_r26, "hosts"."owner_id" AS t0_r27, "hosts"."owner_type" AS t0_r28, "hosts"."enabled" AS t0_r29, "hosts"."puppet_ca_proxy_id" AS t0_r30, "hosts"."managed" AS t0_r31, "hosts"."use_image" AS t0_r32, "hosts"."image_file" AS t0_r33, "hosts"."uuid" AS t0_r34, "hosts"."compute_resource_id" AS t0_r35, "hosts"."puppet_proxy_id" AS t0_r36, "hosts"."certname" AS t0_r37, "hosts"."image_id" AS t0_r38, "hosts"."organization_id" AS t0_r39, "hosts"."location_id" AS t0_r40, "hosts"."type" AS t0_r41, "hostgroups"."id" AS t1_r0, "hostgroups"."name" AS t1_r1, "hostgroups"."created_at" AS t1_r2, "hostgroups"."updated_at" AS t1_r3, "hostgroups"."environment_id" AS t1_r4, "hostgroups"."operatingsystem_id" AS t1_r5, "hostgroups"."architecture_id" AS t1_r6, "hostgroups"."medium_id" AS t1_r7, "hostgroups"."ptable_id" AS t1_r8, "hostgroups"."root_pass" AS t1_r9, "hostgroups"."puppet_ca_proxy_id" AS t1_r10, "hostgroups"."use_image" AS t1_r11, "hostgroups"."image_file" AS t1_r12, "hostgroups"."ancestry" AS t1_r13, "hostgroups"."vm_defaults" AS t1_r14, "hostgroups"."subnet_id" AS t1_r15, "hostgroups"."domain_id" AS t1_r16, "hostgroups"."puppet_proxy_id" AS t1_r17, "compute_resources"."id" AS t2_r0, "compute_resources"."name" AS t2_r1, "compute_resources"."description" AS t2_r2, "compute_resources"."url" AS t2_r3, "compute_resources"."user" AS t2_r4, "compute_resources"."password" AS t2_r5, "compute_resources"."uuid" AS t2_r6, "compute_resources"."type" AS t2_r7, "compute_resources"."created_at" AS t2_r8, "compute_resources"."updated_at" AS t2_r9, "compute_resources"."attrs" AS t2_r10, "operatingsystems"."id" AS t3_r0, "operatingsystems"."major" AS t3_r1, "operatingsystems"."name" AS t3_r2, "operatingsystems"."minor" AS t3_r3, "operatingsystems"."nameindicator" AS t3_r4, "operatingsystems"."created_at" AS t3_r5, "operatingsystems"."updated_at" AS t3_r6, "operatingsystems"."release_name" AS t3_r7, "operatingsystems"."type" AS t3_r8, "environments"."id" AS t4_r0, "environments"."name" AS t4_r1, "environments"."created_at" AS t4_r2, "environments"."updated_at" AS t4_r3, "models"."id" AS t5_r0, "models"."name" AS t5_r1, "models"."info" AS t5_r2, "models"."created_at" AS t5_r3, "models"."updated_at" AS t5_r4, "models"."vendor_class" AS t5_r5, "models"."hardware_model" AS t5_r6 FROM "hosts" LEFT OUTER JOIN "hostgroups" ON "hostgroups"."id" = "hosts"."hostgroup_id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "compute_resources" ON "compute_resources"."id" = "hosts"."compute_resource_id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "operatingsystems" ON "operatingsystems"."id" = "hosts"."operatingsystem_id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "environments" ON "environments"."id" = "hosts"."environment_id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "models" ON "models"."id" = "hosts"."model_id" INNER JOIN "fact_names" fact_names_314650 ON ( = fact_values.fact_name_id) INNER JOIN "fact_names" fact_names_653084 ON ( = fact_values.fact_name_id) WHERE "hosts"."type" = 'Host::Managed' AND ((fact_names_314650."name" = 'operatingsystem') AND (fact_names_653084."name" = 'operatingsystemrelease') AND ((fact_values_314650."value" = 'RHEL') AND (fact_values_653084."value" = '6.4'))) ORDER BY "hosts"."name" ASC NULLS FIRST LIMIT 20 OFFSET 0 
