


Bug #35917

Updated by Zailo Leite over 1 year ago

"linuxefi"and "initrdefi" are not avaliabel in RHEL8, Once foreman-installer copies grubx64.efi from the foreman host (supposedly RHEL8 on current foreman) to /var/lib/tftpboot/grub2 provisioning and discovery PXE GRUB2 boot fails. Since foreman in RHEL7 is deprecated the references to "linuxefi"and "initrdefi" should be removed from teh templates. 

 Example patch: 

 --- 1     2023-01-10 10:50:43.638865537 -0800 
 +++ 2     2023-01-10 10:53:52.863340608 -0800 
 @@ -20,19 +20,6 @@ 
  - host6static 
  # This file was deployed via '<%= template_name %>' template 
 -    rhel_compatible = == 'Redhat' && != 'Fedora' 
 -    os_major = @host.operatingsystem.major.to_i 
 -    if (rhel_compatible && os_major < 7) || !@host.pxe_loader_efi? 
 -      # Grub EFI commands are RHEL7+ only (prevents "Kernel is too old") or for non-EFI arch 
 -      linuxcmd = "linux" 
 -      initrdcmd = "initrd" 
 -    else 
 -      linuxcmd = "linuxefi" 
 -      initrdcmd = "initrdefi" 
 -    end 

  set default=<%= host_param('default_grub_install_entry') || 0 %> 
  set timeout=<%= host_param('loader_timeout') || 10 %> 
 @@ -53,8 +40,8 @@ 
  <% if proxy_http_port -%> 
  menuentry '<%= template_name %> EFI HTTP' --id efi_http { 
 -    <%= linuxcmd %> (http,<%= proxy_host %>:<%= proxy_http_port %>)/httpboot/<%= @kernel %> <%= pxe_kernel_options %> <%= snippet("kickstart_kernel_options").strip %> 
 -    <%= initrdcmd %> (http,<%= proxy_host %>:<%= proxy_http_port %>)/httpboot/<%= @initrd %> 
 +    linux (http,<%= proxy_host %>:<%= proxy_http_port %>)/httpboot/<%= @kernel %> <%= pxe_kernel_options %> <%= snippet("kickstart_kernel_options").strip %> 
 +    initrd (http,<%= proxy_host %>:<%= proxy_http_port %>)/httpboot/<%= @initrd %> 
  <% else -%> 
  # Smart proxy does not have HTTPBoot feature with HTTP port enabled, skipping EFI HTTP boot menu entry 
 @@ -62,8 +49,8 @@ 

  <% if proxy_https_port - %> -%> 
  menuentry '<%= template_name %> EFI HTTPS' --id efi_https { 
 -    <%= linuxcmd %> (https,<%= proxy_host %>:<%= proxy_https_port %>)/httpboot/<%= @kernel %> <%= pxe_kernel_options %> <%= snippet("kickstart_kernel_options").strip %> 
 -    <%= initrdcmd %> (https,<%= proxy_host %>:<%= proxy_https_port %>)/httpboot/<%= @initrd %> 
 +    linux (https,<%= proxy_host %>:<%= proxy_https_port %>)/httpboot/<%= @kernel %> <%= pxe_kernel_options %> <%= snippet("kickstart_kernel_options").strip %> 
 +    initrd (https,<%= proxy_host %>:<%= proxy_https_port %>)/httpboot/<%= @initrd %> 
  <% else -%> 
  # Smart proxy does not have HTTPBoot feature with HTTPS port enabled, skipping EFI HTTPS boot menu entry 

