


Feature #1616

Updated by Ohad Levy over 10 years ago

It seems to me that most people have a class or a set of classes that they like to have applied to all of their systems.    I think it would be great if foreman could provide a way to have this. 


 For me personally I just need to have the ability to apply 1 class to all systems, but I could see having additional functionality being advantageous.    What I mean is maybe adding a default class based on: 


 1) OS 
 2) Some fact value 


 Adding logic could make it more difficult to implement, so I would say for now just a way to assign a collection of classes to all systems would be great. 


 Previously to support this functionality I was defining those classes in my site.pp, but it would be better to have the ability for the ENC to be a single source if used.    Currently I'm 'hacking' this functionality with the attached patch (based on 0.4).
