


Bug #9860

Updated by Dominic Cleal over 9 years ago

I'm not sure exactly what happened, but I have the same smart proxy showing in features three times, and it shows up in some strange places and has some unusual consequences in the UI. 

 Here's my raw data: 

 foreman=# select * from features_smart_proxies ; 
  smart_proxy_id | feature_id  
               1 |            5 
               1 |            6 
               1 |            5 
               1 |            6 
               1 |            5 
               1 |            6 
 (6 rows) 

 foreman=# \d+ features_smart_proxies ; 
                     Table "public.features_smart_proxies" 
      Column       |    Type     | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description  
  smart_proxy_id | integer |             | plain     |                |  
  feature_id       | integer |             | plain     |                |  
 Foreign-key constraints: 
     "features_smart_proxies_feature_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY (feature_id) REFERENCES features(id) 
     "features_smart_proxies_smart_proxy_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY (smart_proxy_id) REFERENCES smart_proxies(id) 
 Has OIDs: no 

 In my selection screens, the name of the smart proxy shows up three times (it doesn't matter which one I pick).    Similarly, the "Smart Proxies" section of "About" shows cirdan.minas.tirith 	 Puppet, Puppet CA, Puppet, Puppet CA, Puppet, and Puppet CA 	 OK. 

 I suspect when I remove the extra rows, everything will normalize; but it seems the duplicates should not have gotten there in the first place. 

 This is in release 1.8.0-RC1.
