


Feature #4151

Updated by Tomáš Strachota over 9 years ago

We I think we'll need to support different report types for OpenScap, ABRT and other future reporting tools.  

 This means there must be a way to register new report types and importers from plugin (exactly sooner or later. Although we can still use the same we have for facts now). Reports will probably only differ in metrics chef and their own statuses, therefore foreman we should make metrics optional and mapping to global status should be different per specific status. 

 There should be a generic API could leverage existing reports logic for uploading reports. Common things ureports from ABRT. In first phase we can use existing reports but later it could become more handy for all types are: 
 - message (text, status, level) 
 - reported_at 
 - status (custom hash of format "status": n, each type different statuses) 

 *User stories:* 
  - As a plugin developer I want plugins to register new define own report type. 
  - As a plugin developer I want to register new report importer for a given type.  
  - As a user I want to search hosts based on report type and its specific status. 
  - As a user I want to have be able to set different report permissions per report types. (implies report STI)
