


Feature #10984

Updated by Lukas Zapletal about 9 years ago

Although it is possible to attach existing VM to CR, it would be nice to have hosts attached if we are able to identify them Cloned from  
  Description of problem: 
 I successfully discovered a host and manually provision it. when I submitted the facts uploaded. This provisioning request, I didn't see the console button on webUI. However console is relevant available for provisioning a host on libvirt (without discovering a host first) 

 Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable): 
 sat6.1 GA snap7 

 How reproducible: 

 Steps to either discovered hosts or hosts craeted via facts. Reproduce: 
 1. discover a host 
 2. provision it 

 Implementation can Actual results: 
 no console button on webUI 

 Expected results: 
 console should be challenging as we need available on UI to know VM (UU)ID from within see the VM and this needs to be fact uploaded. Nice feature, but not improtant imho. progress of install 

 Additional info:
