


Feature #9945

Updated by Lukas Zapletal over 8 years ago

Add VLAN support for primary interface (the one it was PXE booted from or which was selected When user enters this on the NIC screen). 

 For PXE mode discovery, new kernel option can be implemented: @fdi.vlan.primary@ defining VLAN ID for primary (provisioning) interface. This is the interface it was PXE-booted from. command line: 


 For secondary interfaces, we should pre-configure network interfaces "eth1" and "eth2" with VLAN will not be implemented. Please send comments if you want this to be implemented IDs 7, 8 and how. 

 For PXE-less mode, new field will 9. The virtual interfaces must be added on the NIC selection dialog which will allow to define VLAN for the primary interface. configured with DHCP. 

 For more info:
