Bug #18437
Updated by Ivan Necas almost 8 years ago
The problem seems to be in using DateTime in json in https://github.com/Katello/katello/blob/aad62cc6dae670565218f7434a4e908550244b41/app/lib/katello/resources/candlepin.rb#L686 It seems ActiveSupport's DateTime has some issues with formating the time. It's not that hard to get an invalid date with it (with 1000 on milisends) <pre> x = nil; 100000.times { x = (DateTime.now + 10_950.days).to_json; break unless x.size == 31 }; puts x # => "2047-02-01T23:42:09.1000+01:00" </pre> Using Time doesn't seem to have the problem <pre> x = nil; 100000.times { x = (Time.now + 10_950.days).to_json; break unless x.size == 31 }; puts x # = "2047-02-01T23:42:50.906+01:00" </pre>