


Feature #1454

Updated by Anonymous over 7 years ago

As I'm trying to install solaris with foreman, I got to some pitfalls. 


 The scripts provided in the extras/jumpstart folder are hardcoded. This causes trouble if your setup is slightly different from whats configured in there. 


 In my case my foreman host is not reachable with the name "foreman" but with "vm7603". Also my foreman instance is listening on port 3000 and not on port 80. 
 The dynamic_* scripts provided by foreman staticly look for foreman on a host called foreman using port 80. 


 The requested webpage from foreman is also wrong. The command in the script is: 
  http://$foreman/unattended/finish > /a/var/sadm/system/logs/puppet.postinstall 


 but it should be 
  http://$foreman/unattended/finish?spoof=$ipaddress > /a/var/sadm/system/logs/puppet.postinstall 


 The main problem I have there is to get the IP. Currently I use an ugly code for that: 
 ipaddress=`ifconfig -a | grep -v ether | grep -v zone | grep -v groupname | grep -v flags= | grep -v | grep -v 127.0.0. | awk '{print $2}' | tail -1` 


 My suggestion for this is: 


 The dynamic_* scripts should be snippets or provisioning templates visible on the "provisioning templates" page. 
 To provide these files to solaris jumpstart, I would use the proxy. 


 So I configure the script (if needed/wanted) and let foreman replace information like $ipaddress and $hostname with information foreman already has. 
 Then I would ask the proxy to put generated scripts to the corresponding NFS folder. 


 Maybe it is also possible to get around using static-compiled curl versions to download stuff from foreman ;) 
 Just teach the proxy to put information to files so all of them are accessable over NFS afterwards.
