Results (13)
- Bug #34348 (Resolved): Can't find entry point 'foreman_bootdisk:global'
- We use Foreman with Puppet and Vmware using foreman bootdisk for initial provision ... t, i can pull a more detailed log if required
- Feature #32196 (New): Option to delete bootdisk from vmware after successfully provisioning a machine
- Add an option to automatically delete bootdisk iso from vmware after successfully provisioning a machine. ... his auto-cleanup feature would come in handy.
- Feature #31063 (Closed): Generate full host bootdisk when PXE templates are associated
- In order for VMWare to work in EFI mode, bootdisk should generate full host bootdisk.
- Bug #27668 (Closed): For VMware bootdisk builds, provisioning template renders "reboot" instead of "reboot --eject"
- In Kickstart default template, following code ... . When safemode is turned of, it works fine.
- Feature #27284 (New): Support fully automated provisioning with libvirt
- When creating a new host in Foreman UI, the " ... t to a LibVirt host. (It's only supported on VMWare?) I can successfully provision a VM by se ... SO to the VM that the libvirt plugin creates.
- Feature #26824 (Closed): Post Install could unmount boot iso and optionally delete from vmware
- when not using a generic boot disk, in order to keep environments clean and not clutter up vmware environments with lots of boot iso's, it wou ... ving the image around but only unmounting it
- Feature #24755 (Duplicate): Delete Bootdisk on Host Delete from VMWare ESXi host
- Hi, there seems no way that the Plugin delete ... ad over 100 old ISOs in the folder left over.
- Bug #24700 (New): VMWare Boot Disk not deleted after Host was deleted
- The generated ISO for the boot disk based pro ... d after the computer was deleted from foreman
- Bug #19168 (Duplicate): Power on the VM is called before boot-disk iPXE iso is mounted in VMWare
- Using the boot-disk image against a vmware compute resource, the server shell in vmware is created, but is powered on before the ISO ... d. A simple reboot of the server from within vmware allows the iso to be seen and run the iPXE b ... otdisk version 8.0.2 Katello version
- Feature #19013 (Closed): It would be useful if Boot Retry was enabled or configurable
- When provisioning a VMware host and using an ISO, the ISO is sometimes ... ot if it is unable to find a bootable medium.