API » History » Revision 9
Revision 8 (Ohad Levy, 11/09/2010 03:15 PM) → Revision 9/45 (Ohad Levy, 11/11/2010 10:16 AM)
h1. API *NOTE*: Version of 0.1-6 or git develop branch are required to use the API Foreman provides a "REST":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_State_Transfer API, communicating via JSON. Please refer to this document for latest information about Foreman API. API structure. Examples below are either via curl or ruby rest_client most pages can be browsed via adding the format option to the url (at least for get requests), i.e. <pre> http://foreman/environemnts?format=json </pre> Or using HTTP Headers <pre> curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Accept:application/json" http://foreman/hosts </pre> Output is JSON formatted, in the last example expect a similar output: <pre> [{"host":{"name":"pm.local.net"}},{"host":{"name":"pm.local.net"}}....] </pre> h2. List of API's |_.Path|_.REST Type|_.Description| |/architectures|GET|List of valid OS Architectures(name and ID)| |/architectures/x86_64|GET|Description of the x86_64 Architecture (name and ID)| |/dashboard|GET|Summary statistcs (total hosts, active hosts, hosts in error etc)| |/domains|GET|List of known domains (name and ID)| |/domains/my_domain|GET|Description of "my_domain" (name and ID)| |/environments|GET|List of known environments (name and ID)| |/environments/production|GET|Description of the "production" (name and ID and associated host list)| |/fact_values|GET|List of known Facts (value, name and host)| |/hostgroups|GET|List of known hostgroups (name and ID)| |/hostgroups/common|GET|Description of "common" (name and ID)| |/hosts|GET|List of known hosts (only name)| |/hosts/errors|GET|List of hosts in error state(only name)| |/hosts/active|GET|List of active hosts(only name)| |/hosts/out_of_sync|GET|List of out of sync hosts(only name)| |/hosts/disabled|GET|List of disabled hosts(only name)| |/hosts|POST|creates a new host, 201 return sucesful creation, otherwise the errors will be returned| |/hosts/fqdn|GET|Host Attributes (name, usergroup, last_report, os properties...)| |/hosts/fqdn|DELETE|Removes the host "fqdn"| |/hosts/fqdn/setBuild|GET| Enable Host for (re-)build | |/hosts/fqdn/facts|GET| Returns host facts| |/hosts/fqdn/pxe_config|GET| Returns syslinux configuration file for fqdn| |/medias|GET|List of known mediums (name and ID)| |/medias/1|GET|Description of media which ID is 1 (name and ID and path/url)| |/operatingsystems|GET|List of known operating systems (Release name, ID and allowed mediums, architectures and partition tables)| |/operatingsystems/1|GET| Description of operating systems which its ID is 1 (Release name, ID and allowed mediums, architectures and partition tables)| |/operatingsystems/1/bootfiles?media=<media_name>&architecture=x86_64|GET| tftp boot files and their respective urls (where they can be found)| |/ptables|GET|List of known Partition tables (name and ID)| |/ptables/1|GET|Description of Partition table which its ID is 1 (name and ID)| |/puppetclasses|GET|a hash of known Puppetclasses orginazined by module name (module => {:class1, :class2})| Please raise a new issue if you need additional API's