Current Sprint Information » History » Revision 103
Revision 102 (Ori Rabin, 01/06/2015 06:34 AM) → Revision 103/603 (Ori Rabin, 01/06/2015 06:37 AM)
h1. Current Sprint Information * Sprint 32 * Start date: 19/11 01/11 * End date: 06/01 18/11 * Demo URLs: ** read-only event stream: ** read-only YouTube stream: ** *presenters only*: * "Sprint Backlog":[]=status_id&op[status_id]=o&f[]=fixed_version_id&op[fixed_version_id]=%3D&v[fixed_version_id][]=65&f[]=&c[]=tracker&c[]=status&c[]=priority&c[]=subject&c[]=author&c[]=assigned_to&c[]=updated_on&c[]=category&c[]=fixed_version&group_by= * "Demo checklist": h2. Demo agenda * Description of feature to demo (Your Name, X minutes) ** Any 10+ minute presentation should be done as a deep dive instead. Keep to <= 5 minutes per feature if you can. * Discovery - new fields and actions (Ori - 3 min)