Current Sprint Information » History » Revision 148
Revision 147 (dustin tsang, 03/04/2015 05:43 PM) → Revision 148/603 (David Davis, 03/04/2015 07:17 PM)
h1. Current Sprint Information
* Demo URLs:
** read-only event stream:
** read-only YouTube stream:
** *presenters only*:
* "Demo checklist":
h2. Demo agenda
* Description of feature to demo (Your Name, X minutes)
** Any 10+ minute presentation should be done as a deep dive instead. Keep to <= 5 minutes per feature if you can.
* Perform Incremental Update UI (walden - 5 min)
* Perform Incremental Update CLI (ehelms - 3 min)
* Route RHSM traffic through Capsule (ehelms - 4 min)
* Dispatch router - demo host action w/out comms to Katello (stbenjam - 3 min)
* Run docker build and pull from Katello (partha - 3 min)
* Provision docker container with local/katello repositories (partha - 5 min)
* Enable docker repos from (staging) CDN (partha - 3 min)
* Install SAM (dustint - 2 min)
* katello-selinux (justin/lzap - 1 min)
* Docker Tag page (david - 3 min)
* Docker container command (david/martin - 3 min)