Current Sprint Information » History » Revision 219
Revision 218 (Justin Sherrill, 09/17/2015 08:39 AM) → Revision 219/603 (Eric Helms, 09/17/2015 08:51 AM)
h1. Latest Demo Information h2. URLs: ** read-only event stream: ** read-only YouTube stream: ** *presenters only*: h2. Demo Checklist h3. Presenters * If demoing a terminal - ensure the font is large (typically 2 shift-ctrl-+) - ensure your color and font are readable from arms length to the keyboard as a heuristic * If demoing a browser - when on a widescreen monitor, shrink the browser width to 1300-1400 pixels - increase browser zoom if possible (ensure it doesn't break styling) * If demoing a presentation - ensure you hide or remove action bars or do a full screen presentation * Include initial background on the topic. For example, if demoing an update to the Content Views UI, remind the audience what a content view is and how to get to the starting point of the UI. * Remember that you are trying to inform users why the change is important for them to know and how they can make use of it. h3. Moderator * Turn on Q&A application on Hangout page before starting hangout * Start by introducing what the general theme of the Demo is, and the overall flow, include: - What the demo is for - When and how questions can be taken (e.g. at the end, after each presenter, using the Q&A app, whether the moderator will read the questions or the presenters) - If there is a time limit, mention at the start for the presenters that you will be timing and enforcing h2. Agenda * Description of feature to demo (Your Name, X minutes) ** Any 10+ minute presentation should be done as a deep dive instead. Keep to <= 5 minutes per feature if you can. * Puppet modules to scoped search (4 min / ehelms) * Host status split (5 min / mhulan) * Foreman Remote Execution updates (10 min / inecas) * Installer scenarios (7 min / mbacovsk) * Community update (2min / gwmngilfen) * Image-based provisioning for libvirt-based VMs (< 5 mins / dmitri) * Configuring Foreman with existing services (4 mins / lzap) * Usability of parameters updates (3 min / orabin) * host unification update (3 min/ jsherrill) * Community update (2min / gwmngilfen) h2. History h3. 8/27/2015 ** read-only event stream: * Foreman Remote Execution updates: job invocation UI (inecas/mhulan 5min) * ForemanOpenscap notifications (oprazak 3min) * Katello's Content Dashboard has been migrated to main Dashboard (ehelms 2min) * Scoped search conversion: - Rpm (jlsherrill 3min) - Package Groups (jomitsch 3min) * Katello Ostree features (Partha 8 min) - Ostree create - Manage Branches - Sync - Content View Add/Remove - Publish * Atomic bare metal provisioning (Daniel Lobato 5m) h3. 8/6/2015 ** read-only YouTube stream: * New option in discovery image: fdi.initnet (lzap, 5 min) * PXELess discovery update (lzap, 5 min) * Updates in hammer - new command for building pxe default, listing all records by default (tstrachota, 3 min) * Versioned API documentation at (tstrachota, 3 min) * News in foreman remote execution (inecas, 10 minutes) * rake foreman_tasks:cleanup (inecas, 3 minutes) * discovered hosts status dashboard widget (stbenjam, 2.5 minutes) * preview of upcoming UI changes to parameters (tbrisker, 5 minutes) * new "Inherit" button in host edit form (sshtein, 5 minutes) h3. 7/2/2015 ** read-only event stream: ** read-only YouTube stream: * Partition Tables new features (Marek Hulán, 5 minutes) * Small things (lzap, 4 minutes) - foreman-debug no longer uploads by default (use -u option) - VNC/SPICE websockify port is randomly selected from the whole pool instead of incremental approach (update your firewalls) * Salt automatic state importing (stephen) * Dynflow 0.8.1: multiple executors, concurrent-ruby at backend, socket-less (inecas 4 minutes) * Remote Execution: Dynflow and basics for SSH provider on smart proxy (inecas 4 minutes) * Remote Execution: Job templates (Marek, 5 minutes) * select2.js (elobato, 1 minute)