Current Sprint Information » History » Revision 381
Revision 380 (Stephen Benjamin, 10/13/2016 08:28 AM) → Revision 381/603 (Lukas Zapletal, 10/25/2016 10:38 AM)
h1. Latest Demo Information
h2. URLs:
** read-only YouTube stream:
** *presenters only*:
h2. Demo Checklist
h3. Presenters
* If demoing a terminal
- ensure the font is large (typically 2 shift-ctrl-+)
- ensure your color and font are readable from arms length to the keyboard as a heuristic
* If demoing a browser
- when on a widescreen monitor, shrink the browser width to 1300-1400 pixels
- increase browser zoom if possible (ensure it doesn't break styling)
* If demoing a presentation
- ensure you hide or remove action bars or do a full screen presentation
* Include initial background on the topic. For example, if demoing an update to the Content Views UI, remind the audience what a content view is and how to get to the starting point of the UI.
* Remember that you are trying to inform users why the change is important for them to know and how they can make use of it.
h3. Moderator
* Turn on Q&A application on Hangout page before starting hangout
* Start by introducing what the general theme of the Demo is, and the overall flow, include:
- What the demo is for
- When and how questions can be taken (e.g. at the end, after each presenter, using the Q&A app, whether the moderator will read the questions or the presenters)
- If there is a time limit, mention at the start for the presenters that you will be timing and enforcing
* If possible, add intro slides before each presenter so that the viewers know who to talk to in IRC
h2. Agenda - next demo ???
* Foreman tracer (lzap, 10min)
h2. Agenda - next demo 13/10
* Community updates/stats (gwmngilfen, 5min)
* glob support for package uploads in the CLI (daviddavis, 2 min)
* multi-env content view promotions (daviddavis, 3 min)
* Package Applicability page (daviddavis, 3 min)
* Package applicability in the CLI (daviddavis, 1 min)
* Package Applicability for Hosts (jsherrill, 2 min)
* Force publish Content View puppet environment (jsherrill, 1 min)
* Content View Filter Rules support architecture (akofink, 2 min)
* Composite Content Views: Allow them to contain component views that share the same repository (bbuckingham, 4 min)
* hammer_cli_foreman_openscap (oprazak, 3 min)
* statistics page charts (gsteiger, 2 min)
h2. History
h3. 15/9/2016
* YouTube:
* Community updates/stats (gwmngilfen, 5min)
* Run ansible playbooks with and without smart-proxy (+ ability to use remote execution without a proxy) (inecas, 5 minutes)
* Infoblox support in installer (inecas, 4 minutes)
* Roles <3 Orgs and Locs (-mhulan- dlobatog, 5min)
* RAM field for libvirt, ovirt (-mhulan- tbrisker, 2min)
-* hammer openscap plugin (mhulan, 2min)-
* Manual Applicability Generation in Katello (jsherrill, 1 min)
* Applicable Packages api (Jsherrill, 2 minutes)
* Incremental Updates - Auto-generate description summarizing the update (bbuckingham, 2 min)
* Composite Content Views - UI indicator that newer version available for a component (bbuckingham, 1 min)
* Omit checkbox instead of use puppet default (orabin, 1 min)
* Rewrite of MS DHCP provider using dhcps API (dmitri, < 5min).
* Katello puppet 3 to 4 upgrade via installer (beav, 5 min)
* Managing content inside Rhel 7 container in a Rhel Atomic Host (partha, 2 min)
* OSTree Branch Search (partha, 1 min)
h3. 25/8/2016
* YouTube:
* Community updates/stats (gwmngilfen, 5min)
* Importing Ansible roles (oprazak 3min)
* Assigning Ansible roles to hostgroups (tstrachota, 5min)
* Ability to set ssh port for remote execution (inecas/community, 5min)
* Searching hosts by registered capsule (jomitsch, 3min)
* Lazy sync feature status update (bbuckingham, 2min)
* Initial support for UEFI in Foreman (lzap, 10min)
* Statistics & Dashboard improvements (tbrisker, 3min)
h3. 27/7/2016
* YouTube:
* Community updates/stats (gwmngilfen, 5min)
* What's new in Discovery 6.0 (lzap, 10-15min)
* Ability to filter out data from ForemanTasks/Dynflow actions (inecas, 3 minutes)
h3. 7/7/2016
* YouTube:
* Community updates/stats (gwmngilfen, 5min)
* Community @ Red Hat Summit - summary (TBA, 5min)
* foreman_expire_hosts Plugin (timogoebel, 5min)
* IPv6 (timogoebel, 5min)
* foreman_azure plugin (dlobatog, 5min)
* foreman_ansible roles (dlobatog, 5min)
h3. 9/6/2016
* YouTube:
* Community updates/stats (gwmngilfen, 5min)
* CSV exporter framework for (lzap, 5min)
* Hammer CLI Foreman Admin (lzap, 5min)
* E-mail styling & setting collection (amirfefer, 3m)
h3. 19/5/2016
** YouTube:
* Community updates/stats (gwmngilfen, 5min)
* 1.11.2 release (gwmngilfen, 2min)
* Shiny new things coming in Pulp (mhrivnak, 5min)
* Update all packages on a Content Host in the UI (jomitsch, 3min)
* Test coverage automation in hammer-cli-katello (akofink, 2min)
* Puppet 4 support update (gwmngilfen, 5min)
h3. 28/04/2016
** YouTube:
* Community updates/stats (gwmngilfen, 5min)
* Remote execution template sharing - import/export (stbenjam, 5 min)
* New libvirt DHCP/DNS provider (lzap, 5 min)
* Foreman training course (dgoetz, 10min)
h3. 31/03/2016
** YouTube:
* Community updates from gwmngilfen
* Meet-the-Developer chats with Daniel and Eric
h3. 10/03/2016
** YouTube:
* Community updates (gwmngilfen, 5min)
* New features in Discovery 5.0 (lzap, 10mins)
- New show page (Alon Goldboim)
- Org/Loc selectors in settings (Daniel Lobato)
- Hostname fact (@imriz)
- E-mail reporting (Shlomi Zadok)
* New features in Discovery Image 3.1 (lzap, 5mins)
- Bugfixes, RHEL 7.2 support
- Smaller size (livecd-creator patch)
- Root password in encrypted form (fdi.rootpw)
- LLDP service (master only)
* Capsule content CLI (tstrachota, 3min)
* Merging compute profile attributes in CLI (tstrachota, 2min)
* Host unification updates (jsherrill, 4 min)
h3. 18/02/2016
** YouTube:
* Community updates (gwmngilfen, 5min)
* Lazy sync (daviddavis, 5min)
* remote execution:
- advanced job control (limiting concurrency level, distributing tasks over time) (5min, aruzicka)
- developer API, Katello integration and PXE-less reprovision (6min, inecas)
* Client side pagination in role filters (1min, shimshtein)
* Atomic provisioning from default install media (2min, dlobatog)
* Ansible inventory integration (3min, dlobatog)
h3. 21/01/2016
** YouTube:
* Community updates, events & plans (gwmngilfen, 5min)
* Nested parameters in locations and organizations (1m, orabin)
* Patternfly changes (5m, dlobatog)
* shoulda tests (1m, dlobatog)
* remote execution:
- ability to compose job template from other templates (inecas, 5min)
- usability improvements (job name behavior change and others) (5min, mhulan)
* Smart Proxy status page:
- Overview, Puppet, PuppetCA (5m, tbrisker)
- Logs (5m lzap)
- pulp disk usage (author: szadok, presenter: oprazak, 3m)
- pulp content and sync status (tstrachota, 5m)
* Installer scenarios migrations (mbacovsk, 5m)
* Host facet api integration (jsherrill, 3m)
h3. 10/12/2015
** YouTube:
* poor's man bare-metal image-based provisioning (10m, lzap)
* remote execution:
- cli for remote execution (5m, stbenjam)
- recurring actions and job descriptions for remote execution (5-7m, aruzicka)
- effective user a.k.a sudo support (5m, inecas)
* setting parameters for organizations and locations from CLI (2m, tstrachota)
* parameter inline override UI update + hidden button (2m tbrisker)
* hammer_cli defaults option(5m, agoldboi)
h3. 19/11/2015
** read-only event stream:
* yum repo export/import (5m, beav)
* remote execution iteration 4 (5m, stbenjam)
* foreman_ansible (5m , dlobatog)
* scoped search for content hosts and subscriptions (4m, jomitsch)
* Rails 4 migration (5m, the_doctor)
* new compliance reports for foreman_openscap (3m, oprazak)
* community announcements (any/all/none of these, as time permits - thanks!)
- CFP for FOSDEM (CfgMgmt and Virtualization DevRooms), we need more talks! See mailing list for details
- Case Study on High Availability yesterday if you missed it - see youtube channel
- Deep Dive on windows imaging next week - see mailing list for details
- New blog is live and open for guest posts -
h3. 29/10/2015
** read-only event stream:
* foreman_cockpit (dlobatog, 3 mins)
* Host unification update (jsherrill, 4 mins)
* Parameters usability update - override inline (tbrisker, 3mins)
* Automatic table cell clipping on overflow (tbrisker, 2 mins)
* Discovered hosts new index view (agoldboi, 3 mins)
* foreman_remote_execution - job status live update, execution status (mhulan, <5 mins)
* [optional] Foreman Community Strategy recap (gwmngilfen, 5mins)
h3. 8/10/2015
** read-only event stream:
* PXE-less unattended provisioning (lzap, 10 mins)
* foreman_remote_execution - recurring actions update (aruzicka, 5 mins)
* foreman deployments release & docs (tstrachota, 3 mins)
* Foreman-Opensearch plugin (ShimShtein, 5 mins)
* foreman_openscap arf reports redesign (shlomizadok, 5 mins)
* foreman_openscap compliance status (oprazak, 3 mins)
* foreman_theme plugin (agoldboi, 3 mins)
* LDAP connection test (afeferku, 3 min)
* installer - switching scenarios (mbacovsk, 5 min)
* Foreman Windows Imaging (wimaging-ng) (helge000, 10min)
h3. 9/17/2015
** read-only event stream:
* Host status split (5 min / mhulan)
* Foreman Remote Execution updates (10 min / inecas/stbenjam)
* Installer scenarios (7 min / mbacovsk)
* Configuring Foreman with existing services (4 mins / lzap)
* Usability of parameters updates (3 min / orabin)
* host unification update (3 min/ jsherrill)
* Atomic bare metal host provisioning (3m / elobato)
* Ostree hammer cli + publish/promotion (4m / partha)
* Community update (2min / gwmngilfen)
* Image-based provisioning for libvirt-based VMs (< 5 mins / dmitri)
* Puppet modules to scoped search (4 min / ehelms)
h3. 8/27/2015
** read-only event stream:
* Foreman Remote Execution updates: job invocation UI (inecas/mhulan 5min)
* ForemanOpenscap notifications (oprazak 3min)
* Katello's Content Dashboard has been migrated to main Dashboard (ehelms 2min)
* Scoped search conversion:
- Rpm (jlsherrill 3min)
- Package Groups (jomitsch 3min)
* Katello Ostree features (Partha 8 min)
- Ostree create
- Manage Branches
- Sync
- Content View Add/Remove
- Publish
* Atomic bare metal provisioning (Daniel Lobato 5m)
h3. 8/6/2015
** read-only YouTube stream:
* New option in discovery image: fdi.initnet (lzap, 5 min)
* PXELess discovery update (lzap, 5 min)
* Updates in hammer - new command for building pxe default, listing all records by default (tstrachota, 3 min)
* Versioned API documentation at (tstrachota, 3 min)
* News in foreman remote execution (inecas, 10 minutes)
* rake foreman_tasks:cleanup (inecas, 3 minutes)
* discovered hosts status dashboard widget (stbenjam, 2.5 minutes)
* preview of upcoming UI changes to parameters (tbrisker, 5 minutes)
* new "Inherit" button in host edit form (sshtein, 5 minutes)
h3. 7/2/2015
** read-only event stream:
** read-only YouTube stream:
* Partition Tables new features (Marek Hulán, 5 minutes)
* Small things (lzap, 4 minutes)
- foreman-debug no longer uploads by default (use -u option)
- VNC/SPICE websockify port is randomly selected from the whole pool instead of incremental approach (update your firewalls)
* Salt automatic state importing (stephen)
* Dynflow 0.8.1: multiple executors, concurrent-ruby at backend, socket-less (inecas 4 minutes)
* Remote Execution: Dynflow and basics for SSH provider on smart proxy (inecas 4 minutes)
* Remote Execution: Job templates (Marek, 5 minutes)
* select2.js (elobato, 1 minute)