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Greg Sutcliffe, 07/10/2012 09:50 AM

Debian-Ubuntu installation by packages

The Foreman packages should work on the following Debian-based Linux distributions:


  • Debian Linux 5.0 (Lenny), see notes below
  • Debian Linux 6.0 (Squeeze)
  • Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS
  • Ubuntu Linux 11.04
  • Ubuntu Linux 10.10

If you encounter any errors during the installation, please file a bug report!

Apt Configuration

Add one of the following lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list (alternatively in a separate file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/foreman.list):

# Stable packages
deb stable main

# Testing packages
deb testing main

# Nightly builds. Beware: HERE BE DRAGONS
deb nightly main

The public key for secure APT can be downloaded here

You can add this key with

apt-key add foreman.asc

or combine downloading and registering:

wget -q -O- | apt-key add -

The key fingerprint is

1DCB 15D1 2CA1 40EE F494  7E57 66CF 053F E775 FF07
Foreman Archive Signing Key <>

Stable / Testing Install

To install Foreman, run

sudo apt-get update

# Depending on the database you want to use with Foreman,
# install one of these meta-packages:
sudo apt-get install foreman-mysql
sudo apt-get install foreman-pgsql
sudo apt-get install foreman-sqlite3

# or install the foreman main package and configure the
# database manually in /etc/foreman/database.yml
sudo apt-get install foreman

The only purpose of the meta-packages foreman-mysql, foreman-pgsql, and foreman-sqlite3 is to pull in any dependencies on the respective database system during the package installation. If you don't want to run the Foreman database on the same host, please use the foreman package and configure the database settings in /etc/foreman/database.yml. You cannot use dbconfig-common in this case.

Nightly Install

The nightly packages are now split by gem dependencies - there are 12 foreman* packages to choose from. These are:

Main package
  • foreman
Database gems - you need at least one of these
  • foreman-sqlite3
  • foreman-mysql2
  • foreman-mysql
  • foreman-pgsql
Optional functionality
  • foreman-console
  • foreman-development
  • foreman-fog
  • foreman-libvirt
  • foreman-ovirt
  • foreman-test
  • foreman-vmware

Installation instructions are:

# Install packages  (adjust additional packages as needed)
apt-get install foreman foreman-sqlite3 foreman-libvirt

# Copy sample db config to /etc
cp /usr/share/foreman/config/database.yml.example /etc/foreman/database.yml

# Review settings and DB config
vi /etc/settings/settings.yaml /etc/foreman/database.yml

# Perform initial DB setup
su - foreman -s /bin/bash -c /usr/share/foreman/extras/dbmigrate

The packages should auto-run db:migrate if /etc/foreman/database.yml exists. So the initial db:migrate is only needed during first install, upgrades should just work.

Debian Linux 5.0 (Lenny)

Lenny is unlikely to work with the 1.0 release of Foreman, but this has not yet been tested - let us know if you get it working :)

For 0.4, users of Debian Lenny will have to install rake and libsinatra-ruby from lenny-backports.

See for instructions on how to add lenny-backports to your list of repositories and install a package from it.

Updated by Greg Sutcliffe over 12 years ago · 12 revisions