


Development Resources » History » Version 46

Dominic Cleal, 05/12/2017 09:27 AM

1 1 Greg Sutcliffe
h1. Development Resources
3 3 Greg Sutcliffe
5 23 Anonymous
h2. Current Sprint
* [[Current Sprint Information]]
9 1 Greg Sutcliffe
h2. Deep Dives
11 14 Dominic Cleal
h3. Content has been promoted to the Foreman web site
12 1 Greg Sutcliffe
13 14 Dominic Cleal
The content from this page has been incorporated into the official "": web site.  You can access it here:
14 12 Dominic Cleal
15 14 Dominic Cleal
* "*Foreman screenshots & videos: Deep Dives*":
16 13 Dominic Cleal
17 14 Dominic Cleal
The archived version of this page is "still available":/projects/foreman/wiki/Development_Resources?version=13
18 13 Dominic Cleal
19 14 Dominic Cleal
h3. Upcoming deep dives
20 13 Dominic Cleal
21 14 Dominic Cleal
Upcoming topics are on the [[Upcoming Deep Dives]] page - feel free to add more suggested topics!
22 15 Dominic Cleal
23 19 Dominic Cleal
h2. Patch reviews
* [[Reviewing patches]] - some notes about things to check for when reviewing PRs
26 31 Dominic Cleal
* [[Reviewing_patches-commit_message_format]] - commit message standard for Foreman projects
27 19 Dominic Cleal
28 17 Dominic Cleal
h2. Packaging
29 15 Dominic Cleal
Foreman is packaged as both RPMs (for EL, Fedora) and Debian packages.
* [[RPM Packaging]]
33 32 Dominic Cleal
** [[Koji]]
34 15 Dominic Cleal
* [[Debian Packaging]]
35 18 Dominic Cleal
* [[Installer Packaging]]
36 16 Dominic Cleal
37 17 Dominic Cleal
h2. Release process
38 16 Dominic Cleal
39 34 Dominic Cleal
Each major release of Foreman is managed by a release manager.
* [[Release Management]] contains general guidance on the process, controlling what's released etc.
* [[Release Process]] describes the process the manager will follow (and amend) to prepare and publish each release
Each release schedule is available below:
45 20 Marek Hulán
46 26 Dominic Cleal
* [[Foreman 1.7 Schedule]]
47 27 Dominic Cleal
* [[Foreman 1.8 Schedule]]
48 30 Dominic Cleal
* [[Foreman 1.9 Schedule]]
49 33 Dominic Cleal
* [[Foreman 1.10 Schedule]]
* [[Foreman 1.11 Schedule]]
51 39 Dominic Cleal
* [[Foreman 1.12 Schedule]]
52 41 Dominic Cleal
* [[Foreman 1.13 Schedule]]
53 43 Dominic Cleal
* [[Foreman 1.14 Schedule]]
54 44 Tomer Brisker
* [[Foreman 1.15 Schedule]]
55 45 Daniel Lobato Garcia
* [[Foreman 1.16 Schedule]]
56 26 Dominic Cleal
57 20 Marek Hulán
h2. Developer documentation and designs
* [[granular_permission_system|Granular permission system (aka new permission system)]] 
60 22 Alissa Bonas
* [[create_host_UI_when_build_from_source|Create a host in UI when building and runnning Foreman from sources]]
61 28 Tomáš Strachota
* [[API v2 Development Guidelines]]
62 29 Dominic Cleal
* [[friendly_id]] gem is used by Foreman to unify the the common find logic between UI and API based on id or friendly_id "name" of resource
63 38 Dominic Cleal
* [[Translating]] describes how strings should be extracted in code and translated.
64 40 Dominic Cleal
* [[Rails 4.2]] information about the migration from Rails 4.1 to 4.2
65 42 Dominic Cleal
* [[Strong parameters]] migrating from protected_attributes (attr_accessible) to controller parameter filtering
66 46 Dominic Cleal
* [[Registry pattern] notes about how to avoid the "registry" pattern of global/class-level state
67 21 Dominic Cleal
h2. Redmine
69 24 Joseph Magen
70 25 Joseph Magen
* [[Triage process]] - how to triage redmine issues
71 35 Dominic Cleal
* [[Security process]] - how to handle security issues
72 32 Dominic Cleal
h2. Infrastructure
75 37 Dominic Cleal
* [[GitHub]] - source code for all projects is stored on GitHub
76 32 Dominic Cleal
* [[Jenkins]] - how our CI is configured, managing jobs etc.
* [[Koji]] - our RPM build system
* [[KojiBuilderSetup]] - adding builders to Koji
79 36 Dominic Cleal
* [[PrProcessor]] - web service receiving GitHub hooks, linking PRs, Redmine and Jenkins