Development Resources » History » Revision 49
Revision 48 (Daniel Lobato Garcia, 08/30/2017 11:16 AM) → Revision 49/57 (Ondřej Pražák, 11/21/2017 11:41 AM)
h1. Development Resources
h2. Current Sprint
* [[Current Sprint Information]]
h2. Deep Dives
h3. Content has been promoted to the Foreman web site
The content from this page has been incorporated into the official "": web site. You can access it here:
* "*Foreman screenshots & videos: Deep Dives*":
The archived version of this page is "still available":/projects/foreman/wiki/Development_Resources?version=13
h3. Upcoming deep dives
Upcoming topics are on the [[Upcoming Deep Dives]] page - feel free to add more suggested topics!
h2. Patch reviews
* [[Reviewing patches]] - some notes about things to check for when reviewing PRs
* [[Reviewing_patches-commit_message_format]] - commit message standard for Foreman projects
h2. Packaging
Foreman is packaged as both RPMs (for EL, Fedora) and Debian packages.
* [[RPM Packaging]]
** [[Koji]]
* [[Debian Packaging]]
* [[Installer Packaging]]
h2. Release process
Each major release of Foreman is managed by a release manager.
* [[Release Management]] contains general guidance on the process, controlling what's released etc.
* [[Release Process]] describes the process the manager will follow (and amend) to prepare and publish each release
Each release schedule is available below:
* [[Foreman 1.7 Schedule]]
* [[Foreman 1.8 Schedule]]
* [[Foreman 1.9 Schedule]]
* [[Foreman 1.10 Schedule]]
* [[Foreman 1.11 Schedule]]
* [[Foreman 1.12 Schedule]]
* [[Foreman 1.13 Schedule]]
* [[Foreman 1.14 Schedule]]
* [[Foreman 1.15 Schedule]]
* [[Foreman 1.16 Schedule]]
* [[Foreman 1.17 Schedule]]
* [[Foreman 1.18 Schedule]]
h2. Developer documentation and designs
* [[granular_permission_system|Granular permission system (aka new permission system)]]
* [[create_host_UI_when_build_from_source|Create a host in UI when building and runnning Foreman from sources]]
* [[API v2 Development Guidelines]]
* [[friendly_id]] gem is used by Foreman to unify the the common find logic between UI and API based on id or friendly_id "name" of resource
* [[Translating]] describes how strings should be extracted in code and translated.
* [[Rails 4.2]] information about the migration from Rails 4.1 to 4.2
* [[Strong parameters]] migrating from protected_attributes (attr_accessible) to controller parameter filtering
* [[Registry pattern]] notes about how to avoid the "registry" pattern of global/class-level state
h2. Redmine
* [[Triage process]] - how to triage redmine issues
* [[Security process]] - how to handle security issues
h2. Infrastructure
* [[GitHub]] - source code for all projects is stored on GitHub
* [[Jenkins]] - how our CI is configured, managing jobs etc.
* [[Koji]] - our RPM build system
* [[KojiBuilderSetup]] - adding builders to Koji
* [[PrProcessor]] - web service receiving GitHub hooks, linking PRs, Redmine and Jenkins