Foreman installer » History » Revision 4
Revision 3 (Ohad Levy, 12/28/2011 08:31 AM) → Revision 4/20 (Ohad Levy, 12/28/2011 08:31 AM)
{{toc}} h1. Puppet modules for managing Foreman Installs Foreman as a standalone application or using apache passenger. Installs Foreman Proxy May install an example puppet master setup using passenger as well, including the tweaks required for foreman. download the source code from <> h2. Requirements if you are using RHEL, EPEL repo must be enabled <> if you are using Debian (or Ubuntu), see the additional notes in README.debian h2. Setup/Configuration Setup *Please review the variables under */manifests/params.pp* h2. Installation h3. Foreman only <pre> echo include foreman | puppet --modulepath /path_to/extracted_tarball </pre> h3. Foreman and its Proxy on the same host <pre> echo include foreman, foreman_proxy | puppet --modulepath /path_to/extracted_tarball </pre> if you just want to include the relavant bits to run on your puppet master you may <pre> include foreman::params, foreman::config::enc, foreman::config::reports </pre> h3. install it all on one box (PuppetMaster, Foreman and the proxy) <pre> export MODULE_PATH="/etc/puppet/modules/common" mkdir -p $MODULE_PATH wget -O - |tar xzvf - -C $MODULE_PATH --strip-components=1 echo include puppet, puppet::server, foreman, foreman_proxy | puppet --modulepath $MODULE_PATH </pre>