How to Create a Smart-Proxy Plugin » History » Revision 2
Revision 1 (Anonymous, 07/24/2014 07:09 AM) → Revision 2/30 (Anonymous, 07/24/2014 07:19 AM)
h1. How to Create a Smart-Proxy Plugin
This guide outlines main components of a plugin, but skips details of ruby gems and bundler. Please refer to and respectively for documentation and examples.
h2. Plugin Organization
Smart-Proxy plugins are normal ruby gems, please follow documentation at for guidance on gem creation and packaging. It is strongly recommended to follow smart_proxy_<your plugin name here> naming convention for your plugin. You can use "smart_proxy_pulp plugin": as an example -- a fully functional, yet easy to understand Smart-Proxy plugin.
h2. Plugin Definition
Plugin Definition is used to define plugin's name, version, location of rackup configuration, and other parameters. At a minimum, Plugin Descriptor must define plugin name, version, and path(s) to rackup configuration: