Initial setup » History » Revision 4
Revision 3 (Ohad Levy, 02/21/2012 08:01 AM) → Revision 4/6 (aurelien vaillant, 07/16/2012 06:12 AM)
h1. Initial setup
h2. Configuration
Foreman configuration is managed from two places; a configuration file *config/settings.yaml* and from the *SETTINGS/Foreman Settings* page. A full description of the configuration options is given [[foreman_configuration|here]]
h2. Database
Foreman uses a database, this database can be shared with Puppet store-configs (they are compatible, as Foreman extends the puppet database schema).
By default, SQLite is used, if you want to use other database (e.g. [[FAQ#I-want-to-use-MySQL|MySQL]]) please modify the configuration file under +config/database.yml+.
If you want to share the database with Puppets (storeconfig), just modify +config/database.yml+ to point to the same database configuration as puppet is.
In both cases, please use the *production* settings.
to initialize the database schema type:
cd <foreman installation path> && RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate
On foreman 1.0 use bundle:
cd <foreman installation path> && RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate
h2. Import Data from Puppet
At this point, you might want to go through the [[FAQ]] to see how can you import your data into Foreman.
h2. Start The Web Server
if you installed via rpm, just start the foreman service, or start the built in web server by typing:
<code>./script/server -e production</code>
and point your browser to http://foreman:3000
If you would like to keep the server running, its recommend to setup passenger or use the RPM.
example usage with passenger can be found here:
h2. Getting your Puppet Reports into Foreman
Read [[Puppet_Reports]] to learn how to get your nodes to report to Foreman.