Installation instructions » History » Revision 70
Revision 69 (Ohad Levy, 12/30/2011 01:24 AM) → Revision 70/77 (Michael Coulter, 06/15/2012 05:19 PM)
{{toc}} h1. Requirements for the foreman core component before you start, make sure you have: * Puppet >= 0.24-4 * rake >= 0.84 * rubygems * ruby-sqlite3 (libsqlite3-ruby) if you are going to use sqlite as your database * git (if installing from source ) * ruby-libvirt (epel-repo, only for develop branch) The installation has been successfully tested on RHEL[5,6], Fedora[13,14], Debian Linux 5.0 (Lenny) and 6.0 (Squeeze) and Ubuntu Linux 10.04, 10.10, 11.04, and 12.04. 11.04. For older operating systems you might need additional packages (e.g. sqlite). It is also known to work on Solaris and Mac. h1. Installation * [[Using Puppet Module ready to use|Foreman Installer]] * [[Debian-Ubuntu installation by packages]] * [[RPM's distribution based installation]] * [[Installing latest code]] h1. Foreman Configuration * [[Initial setup]] * [[Database configuration]] see also : [[Smart-Proxy Installation]] h1. Future Updates * [[Upgrade instructions]] h1. Problems? see [[Troubleshooting]] or [[FAQ]]