


Installation instructions » History » Revision 9

Revision 8 (Ohad Levy, 09/11/2009 03:46 PM) → Revision 9/77 (Ohad Levy, 09/21/2009 03:23 AM)


 h1. Requirements 

 before you start, make sure you have: 

 * Puppet >= 0.24-4 
 * rake >= 0.84  
 * rubygems 
 * ruby-sqlite3 (libsqlite3-ruby) if you are going to use sqlite as your database 
 * git (if installing from source ) 

 The installation has been successfully tested on RHE5 and Ubuntu 8.04 -    9.04,    for older operating systems you might need additional packages (e.g. sqlite) 

 h1. Download 

 h2. Latest stable release 

 Latest stable version can be found "here": 

 h2. Latest source code 

 You can get the latest source code of Foreman from the git repository hosted at github. 
 This is the preferred way to get Foreman if you want to benefit from the latest improvements. By using the git repository you can also upgrade more easily. 

 to get latest "stable" version do: 

 <pre><code>git clone git:// foreman 
 cd foreman 
 git submodule init 
 git submodule update 

 * if you are behind a proxy or firewall and dont have access to github using the git protocol, use http protocol instead (e.g.) 
 git clone foreman 
 cd foreman 
 sed -i 's/git:\/\//http:\/\//g' .gitmodules 
 git submodule init 
 git submodule update 

 h1. Initial setup 

 h2. Database 

 Foreman uses a database, this database can be shared with Puppet store-configs (they are compatible, as Foreman extends the puppet database schema). 
 By default, SQLite is used, if you want to use other database (e.g. MySQL) please modify the configuration file under +config/database.yml+. 

 If you want to share the database with Puppets (storeconfig), just modify +config/database.yml+ to point to the same database configuration as puppet is. 

 In both cases, please use the *production* settings. 

 to initialize the database schema type: 
 <code>RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate</code> 

 h2. Import Data from Puppet 

 At this point, you might want to go through the [[FAQ]] to see how can you import your data into Foreman. 

 h2. Start The Web Server 

 Start the built in web server by typing: 
 <code>./script/server -e production</code> 

 and point your browser to http://foreman:3000 

 If you would like to keep the server running, I would recommend to setup passenger, an puppet manifest example could be found [[Passenger setup example|here]]. 

 h1. Future Updates 

 see [[Upgrade instructions]] If you would like to update to the latest version of the foreman, execute the following on the foreman directory 
 <pre><code>git pull 
 git submodule init 
 git submodule update 
 RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate 

 h1. Problems? 

 see [[Troubleshooting]] and restart your web service.