




how to send reports

  • Foreman reports need to be sent to /api/reports
  • Followind headers needs to be present :
      "Accept: application/json,version=2" 
      "Content-Type: application/json" 

report JSON format

{  "report" : {
       "host"          : "",
       "reported_at"   : "2013-10-18 06:58:09 UTC",                       # ruby style
       "status"        : { "applied"           : n,                       # Number of resource that changed with n integer
                            "restarted"        : n,                       # Number of services restarted with n integer
                            "failed"           : n,                       # Number of failed resource with n integer
                            "failed_restarts"  : n,                       # Number of failed service restart with n integer
                            "skipped"          : n,                       # Number of skipped resource with n integer
                            "pending"          : n                        # with n integer
       "metrics"       : { "resources" : { "total" : n },                 # Total number of resources
                            "time"     : { "resource_type1" : n,          # Time spent on that type of resource
                                           "resource_type2" : n,          # Time spent on that type of resource
                                           "total"          : n  }        # Total time spent for the run
       "logs"          : [ 
                            { "log" : { "sources"  : { "source"  : "resource name" },    # Name of resource which output the message
                                        "messages" : { "message" : "resource message" }, # Message of resource
                                        "level"    : "notice"                            # In ['debug','info','notice','warning','err','alert','emerg','crit']

Meaning of states


applied How many resources were attempted to be fixed
restarted How many resources were restarted because their dependencies changed
failed How many resources were not successfully fixed
failed_restarts How many resources could not be restarted
skipped How many resources were skipped, because of either tagging or scheduling restrictions
pending Is for noop mode, e.g it would have made a change if it would actually run


applied How many resources were executed
restarted How many resources were executed and their action was restart
failed How many resources were not successfully fixed
failed_restarts How many resources were not successfully fixed and their action was restart
skipped How many resources were skipped (e.g. condition evaluated as false, action remained nothing)
pending not used (why runs not supported)

Updated by Martin Milata about 11 years ago · 11 revisions