


Json-report-format » History » Revision 10

Revision 9 (Marek Hulán, 01/26/2014 11:33 AM) → Revision 10/11 (Martin Milata, 02/05/2014 06:55 PM)

h1. Json-report-format 

 h2. how to send reports  

 * Foreman reports need to be sent to /api/reports 
 * Followind headers needs to be present :  
   "Accept: application/json,version=2" 
   "Content-Type: application/json" 

 h2. report JSON format 

 <pre><code class="ruby"> 
 {    "report" : { 
        "host"            : "", 
        "reported_at"     : "2013-10-18 06:58:09 UTC",                         # ruby style 
        "status"          : { "applied"             : n,                         # Number of resource that changed with n integer 
                             "restarted"          : n,                         # Number of services restarted with n integer 
                             "failed"             : n,                         # Number of failed resource with n integer 
                             "failed_restarts"    : n,                         # Number of failed service restart with n integer 
                             "skipped"            : n,                         # Number of skipped resource with n integer 
                             "pending"            : n                          # with n integer 
        "metrics"         : { "resources" : { "total" : n },                   }                    # Total number of resources 
                             "time"       : { "resource_type1" : n,            # Time spent on that type of resource 
                                            "resource_type2" : n,            # Time spent on that type of resource 
                                            "total"            : n    }          # Total time spent for the run 
        "logs"            : [  
                             { "log" : { "sources"    : { "source"    : "resource name" },      # Name of resource which output the message 
                                         "messages" : { "message" : "resource message" }, # Message of resource 
                                         "level"      : "notice"                              # In ['notice','warning','error'] TODO: recheck this 

 h2. Meaning of states 

 h3. Puppet 

 |applied             | How many resources were attempted to be fixed | 
 |restarted           | How many resources were restarted because their dependencies changed| 
 |failed              | How many resources were not successfully fixed| 
 |failed_restarts     | How many resources could not be restarted| 
 |skipped             | How many resources were skipped, because of either tagging or scheduling restrictions| 
 |pending             | Is for noop mode, e.g it would have made a change if it would actually run| 

 h3. Chef 

 |applied             | How many resources were executed| 
 |restarted           | How many resources were executed and their action was restart| 
 |failed              | How many resources were not successfully fixed| 
 |failed_restarts     | How many resources were not successfully fixed and their action was restart| 
 |skipped             | How many resources were skipped (e.g. condition evaluated as false, action remained nothing)| 
 |pending             | not used (why runs not supported)|