


Release Process » History » Revision 134

Revision 133 (Dominic Cleal, 08/10/2015 06:22 AM) → Revision 134/211 (Dominic Cleal, 08/10/2015 08:12 AM)

h1. Release Process 

 For each major release (i.e. not patch releases), the project selects a release manager "release nanny" who's responsible for taking the develop branch through to release. 

 Please amend these lists as you see free, and as you find what works and what doesn't work. 

 h2. First steps 

 # Select the release manager 
 # Ensure RPM and Debian nightly packages are in good shape and all RPM dependencies are up to date 
 # Ensure "Transifex project": is up to date 
 # Decide on the version number 
 # If number has changed, update version number in redmine 
 # Add _next+1_ anticipated version number to redmine under "Releases":, sharing "With subprojects" 
 # Check "roadmap": and issue search ("example": 
 #* reassign major features to next+1 version or remove version 
 #* assign relevant bugs to this upcoming release 
 #* multiple bugs can be managed using checkboxes and then right clicking on the boxes for a menu 
 #* create public custom query with target version set, sorted by status ascending, then priority descending 
 # Go through targeted features in redmine and align features with our "backlog": 

 h2. Near-end of development phase 

 # Announce beginning of bug-squashing to foreman-dev ("example": 
 # Copy website manual content (" repo": from previous version to this version ("example": 
 #* add version number to dropdown menu 
 # Change @$latest@ and @$next@ parameters on @web@ class to point to the new version numbers (see @foreman-infra/puppet/modules/web/manifests/init.pp@) 
 # Update manual if applicable for any additional installation steps 
 # Draft release notes in markdown ("example": using roadmap, with these sections (and do not use personal pronouns): 
 ## Headline features: half a dozen important features with a few sentences description each 
 ## Upgrade notes: all important notices that users must be aware of before upgrading 
 ## Release notes: bullet point list by category of most changes, excluding bug fixes for issues introduced during the release cycle, include link to bug numbers (helper vim search and replace command bellow) 
 ## CLI release notes are taken from the hammer-cli and hammer-cli-foreman changelogs 
 ## Link to installer changelogs and note the rough versions being used 
 # Check @git log@ for any changes without associated bug number and add to release notes if applicable ( 
 # Refresh unattended templates from the community-templates to Foreman core, by running @script/ 
 # Create a new branch in community-templates for upcoming Foreman release (e.g. 1.2-stable) 
 # Generate a release GPG key using [[GPG_Keys]] 
 #* publish to keyserver 
 #* on the website 
 #* create @releases/1.2/RPM-GPG-KEY-foreman@ on 
 # Clone tags and create build targets in "Koji": using koji/ in foreman-packaging/rpm/develop 
 #* foreman-1.2-rhel6 etc. as clones of nightly tags 
 #* foreman-plugins-1.2-rhel6 etc. with inheritance from the new Foreman tags 
 #* Untag all git/nightly builds: @for t in foreman-1.2-rhel6 foreman-1.2-nonscl-rhel6 foreman-1.2-rhel7 foreman-1.2-nonscl-rhel7 foreman-1.2-fedora19; do kkoji list-tagged $t    | grep git | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kkoji untag-build    $t; done@ 
 #* check for non-SCL packages that might be in the SCL tags and untag them, else these will cause mash precedence issues 
 #** @for t in foreman-1.2-rhel6 foreman-1.2-rhel7; do kkoji list-tagged $t --quiet | egrep "^(rubygem-|foreman)" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kkoji untag-build $t; done@ 
 # Create mash scripts and configuration on Koji 
 #* copy /usr/local/bin/foreman-mash-split-1.*.py to, update the OSes and version numbers at the bottom 
 #* copy /etc/mash/foreman-1.*-*.mash and foreman-plugins-1.*-*.mash, update the version numbers, add/remove files for OS changes, set GPG key ID 
 # Add new plugin tags (i.e. 1.2) to Koji plugins mash script (, remove old ones (keep three) 
 # Add version (1.2) to "release_plugins_push": job (note, it will be added to tests later), remove old ones (keep three) 
 # Clone Debian nightly repos to 1.2 using "copy/freight instructions": 
 # Add release to "Found in release" list in redmine: 

 Helper vim command to replace all @(#1234)@ bugs with links: 


 h2. Branching for release 

 When ready to branch for release candidates. 

 # Make releases of installer modules, usually new minor or major versions 
 # Add new languages that are at a reasonable completion on Transifex to *develop* 
 # In foreman *develop* run @make -C locale tx-update@ 
 # In foreman, smart-proxy, foreman-installer and foreman-selinux branch *develop* to *1.2-stable* (*from this point* cherry-picks into this branch only from this point using: @git cherry-pick -x SHA@) 
 # In foreman-installer, branch *1.2-stable*, 
 ## change Puppetfile from git references to specific version ranges (e.g. @>= 1.3.1 < 1.4.0@) 
 # In foreman-packaging for RPMs: 
 ## branch *rpm/develop* to *rpm/1.2* 
 ## on *rpm/1.2* 
 ### in rel-eng/releasers.conf and rel-eng/tito.props, replace "nightly" with "1.2" 
 ### change @foreman/foreman.repo@ URLs from @/nightly@ to @/releases/1.2@, change "nightly" in name to "1.2" and enable gpg checking 
 ### change @foreman/foreman-plugins.repo@ URLs from @/plugins/nightly@ to @/plugins/1.2@, change "nightly" in name to "1.2" and DO NOT enable GPG checking 
 ### update @foreman/foreman.gpg@ with the release public key 
 ## on *rpm/develop* 
 ### change foreman/foreman-proxy/foreman-installer/foreman-selinux version to 1.3.0, add %changelog entry 
 ### change tag_suffix to @.fm1_3@ in rel-eng/tito.props 
 # In foreman-packaging for debs: 
 ## on *deb/develop*, update debian/*/*/changelog with entries from 1.1, commit with message "Sync 1.1.x releases into changelogs" 
 ## branch *deb/develop* to *deb/1.2* 
 ## on *deb/develop*, run @scripts/changelog.rb -v 1.3.0-1 -m "Bump changelog to 1.3.0 to match VERSION" debian/*/*/changelog@ 
 # In foreman *develop* commit with message "Bump version to 1.3-develop": 
 ## change to VERSION to 1.3.0-develop 
 ## run @extras/changelog@ 
 # In smart-proxy *develop* commit with message "Bump version to 1.3-develop": 
 ## change to VERSION to 1.3.0-develop 
 ## run @extra/changelog@ 
 # In foreman-selinux *develop* commit with message "Bump version to 1.3-develop": 
 ## change to VERSION to 1.3.0-develop 
 ## run @extras/changelog@ 
 # In foreman-installer *develop* commit with message "Bump version to 1.3-develop": 
 ## change to VERSION to 1.3.0-develop 
 # Update foreman-dev with "translations status": to encourage 100% translations before release, announce string freeze date 
 # Change Transifex resource URL to point to the 1.2-stable branch 
 # Set up test_1_2_stable job on Jenkins, copy from existing stable or test_develop (don't use dots in the name, it breaks) 
 # Set up test_proxy_1_2_stable job on Jenkins in the same way 
 # Update release notes in new website manual version 

 h2. Tagging a release 

 Version numbers for release candidates start with "1.2.0-RC1" (always hyphenated).    The first release after RC would be "1.2.0".    Change examples below as appropriate. 

 # Make patch releases of installer modules that have important changes 
 #* Branch to MAJ.MIN-stable if recent changes to the module aren't suitable for patch (x.y.z) release 
 # Compare tagged packages in nightly vs. release koji tag and re-tag any updated dependencies that are required 
 # In foreman *1.2-stable* run: 
 ## @make -C locale tx-update@ 
 ## @script/ 
 # In foreman *1.2-stable* commit with message "Release 1.2.0": 
 ## change VERSION to 1.2.0 
 ## run @extras/changelog@ 
 # In smart-proxy *1.2-stable* commit with message "Release 1.2.0": 
 ## change VERSION to 1.2.0 
 ## run @extra/changelog@ 
 # In foreman-selinux *1.2-stable* commit with message "Release 1.2.0": 
 ## change VERSION to 1.2.0 
 ## run extras/changelog 
 # In foreman-installer *1.2-stable* commit with message "Release 1.2.0": 
 ## change VERSION to 1.2.0 
 # Tag commits in foreman, smart-proxy, foreman-installer and foreman-selinux: @git tag -m "Release 1.2.0" 1.2.0@ 
 # Push to the project repos: @git push project && git push project 1.2.0@ 
 # Run the Jenkins "Release Pipeline": to create tarballs 
 # Verify tarballs are present on, download, sign and upload detached signatures 
 ## @gpg --homedir gnupg/1.2 -b -u foreman-1.2.0.tar.bz2@ (requires 1.2 release GPG key generated above) 


 h2. Packaging a release 

 # In foreman-packaging rpm/1.2 branch, change foreman.spec, foreman-proxy.spec, foreman-selinux.spec, foreman-installer.spec: 
 ## set version to "1.2.0" 
 ## For RCs: set release to "0.1%{?dotalpha....", uncomment alphatag* (replace # with %), change to RC1 
 ## For non-RCs: set release to "1%{?dotalpha....", comment alphatag* (replace % with #) 
 ## in each package dir, run @spectool -g *.spec@ and @git annex add *.tar.bz2@ 
 ## commit with message "Release 1.2.0" 
 ## perform RPM scratch build of each project (see [[RPM_Packaging]]) 
 ## tag each project with @tito tag --keep-version --auto-changelog-message "Release 1.2.0"@ 
 # [[Debian_Packaging#foreman]]: Update changelog files 
 ## @scripts/changelog.rb -v 1.2.0-1 -m "1.2.0 released" debian/*/*/changelog@ 
 # Trigger next step of release pipeline: @release_packages@ 
 # Use [[RPM_Packaging]] to sign RPMs 
 # Trigger next step of release pipeline: @release_mash@ 
 # Trigger next step of release pipeline: @release_test@ 
 # Trigger next step of release pipeline: @release_push_deb@ and @release_push_rpm@ 
 # Update sections: 
 ## @_includes/social.html@ version number 
 ## @_includes/latest_news.html@ entry 


 h2. Completion tasks 

 If releasing the first non-RC release (i.e. 1.2.0), start with: 
 # update @$stable@ class parameter on @web@ class to point to the new version number (see @foreman-infra/puppet/modules/web/manifests/init.pp@) 
 # change web's /var/www/freight/apt/*/stable symlinks to the new version number, re-run freight cache 
 # Update 
 ## change default version 
 ## @_config.yml@ quickstart link 
 ## @_layouts/manual.html@ latestversion 
 ## @_layouts/homepage.html@ quickstart link 

 If releasing the first release candidate (i.e. RC1), start with: 

 # add version (1.2) to "release_plugins_test": job 

 For all releases: 

 # Send announcement e-mail to foreman-announce, CC foreman-users, set reply-to to foreman-users 
 # Link to announcement e-mail on IRC, Google+ and update IRC /topic 
 # Add release to "Found in release" list in redmine: 
 # Final only: Update Wikipedia Foreman entry at: 

 h2. After final release 

 # Sync translations from Transifex into *develop* and update i18n 
 # Remove target version from all issues assigned to the current release, unless they will be fixed in a future point release