Roadmap meeting Dec 05 2011 » History » Revision 9
Revision 8 (Ohad Levy, 11/30/2011 01:29 PM) → Revision 9/63 (Bash Shell, 11/30/2011 03:52 PM)
h1. Roadmap meeting
Please add your own wishlist here, we would review these topics during the meeting, Order has no meaning.
h2. Dec 05 2011
h3. Important Issues to review
* Mcollective integration
* Parameterized classes support
* Controlling the BMC through IPMI
** control boot order
** power controls
* Remove dependency of virt in foreman
** make a more generic layer that allows for any 3rd party virtualization tools (ovirt, virt, libvirt, aws, fog, ...)
h3. Orgainizlational topics
* Git and Release maintenance
* Bug/Feature reviews
** Security related issues, that so far have been handled outside Foreman, like restricting who can POST Reports and Facts. Ideally Foreman should handle them.