Rundeck Integration » History » Revision 2
Revision 1 (Marcello de Sousa, 09/05/2011 04:46 AM) → Revision 2/3 (Marcello de Sousa, 09/05/2011 05:24 AM)
h1. Rundeck Integration
In case you want to know what Rundeck is:
Since version 0.4 Foreman supports Rundeck integration. It allows you to export a list of nodes (resources) as yaml to populate your Rundeck project.
h2. Basic setup
On your Rundeck server you might want to change your default resources file from XML to YAML:
Edit _/etc/rundeck/project.properties_
# The resources registration file
project.resources.file = /var/rundeck/projects/${}/etc/resources.yaml
Setup your project (here called _"examples"_) properties:
Edit _/var/rundeck/projects/examples/etc/project.properties_
# The resources registration file
project.resources.file = /var/rundeck/projects/examples/etc/resources.yaml
Now, in Rundeck, when you press _"Update Nodes for project examples"_ it should import the information of all Foreman registered hosts and classes as tags.
h2. Advanced setup
Foreman supports some customization of what is supposed to be exported.
h3. 1- Export a subset of hosts (*Default = All hosts*)
You might only want to export a subset of your hosts (leveraged by Foreman's search engine).
Example - Export only machines that belong to the production environment:
on your _/var/rundeck/projects/examples/etc/project.properties_ change the URL to:
# The resources registration file
project.resources.file = /var/rundeck/projects/examples/etc/resources.yaml
h3. 2- Export specific facts as tags (*Default = classes only*)
Next to the classes, you might want configure a parameter in Foreman to export specific facts as Rundeck tags. This can be done for a single or multiple hosts.
Example - Export: environment and domain information
In Foreman, add a parameter *"rundeckfacts = domain,environment"*
h3. 3- Customize Rundeck user (*Default = root*)
You can customize the user Rundeck should use for logging in. This can be done for a single or multiple hosts.
Example - On my host _"myserver1.mydomain.local"_ I want to use a _"mycustomuser"_ instead of root
In Foreman, add a parameter *"rundeckuser = mycustomuser"*
h2. Troubleshooting
Be querying the server with curl you should see something like:
$ curl -k -u admin:changeme "https://foreman/hosts/myserver1.mydomain.local?rundeck=true&format=yaml"
osFamily: Redhat
osVersion: "5.6"
- domain=mydomain.local
- environment=production
- class=ntp::main
- class=puppet::client
username: mycustomuser
osName: CentOS
osArch: x86_64
nodename: myserver1.mydomain.local
description: My description specified in the HOST edit screen
hostname: myserver1.mydomain.local