TemplateWriting » History » Version 41
Ohad Levy, 06/19/2012 04:02 AM
1 | 25 | Paul Kelly | {{toc}} |
2 | 26 | Paul Kelly | |
3 | 1 | Justin Sherrill | h1. Templates |
4 | |||
5 | |||
6 | |||
7 | 16 | Justin Sherrill | The following functions and macros can be used within templates. These are guaranteed to work via the safemode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful. With safemode disabled other macros may work, but are not supported at this time. |
8 | 15 | Justin Sherrill | |
9 | 30 | Martin Hovmöller | To enable safemode, set "safemode_render" to "true" in Settings -> Foreman settings. Safemode rendering prevents templates from reading and writing files on the file system or modifying application data within foreman. |
10 | 1 | Justin Sherrill | |
11 | |||
12 | 8 | Justin Sherrill | h2. Accessing Templates |
13 | 1 | Justin Sherrill | |
14 | 10 | Justin Sherrill | There are two ways to render a template, based on a single host, or based on a Hostgroup. The host or hostgroup provides all the details with which to render the template. |
15 | 1 | Justin Sherrill | |
16 | 10 | Justin Sherrill | |
17 | 8 | Justin Sherrill | h3. Host-based Rendering |
18 | |||
19 | 13 | Justin Sherrill | Only a single template of each type may be rendered for a system. Foreman determines which template to use following these rules: |
20 | 1 | Justin Sherrill | |
21 | 13 | Justin Sherrill | 1. Only the templates of the appropriate kind and associated with the hosts operating system are considered |
22 | 2. If a template has a hostgroup/environment combination that matches that of the host, use this template else |
23 | 3. If a template is associated with the environment of the host, use this template, else |
24 | 4. Use the first template found associated with the operating system associated with the host. |
25 | 1 | Justin Sherrill | |
26 | 13 | Justin Sherrill | So essentially, the hostgroup/environment combination is used first, then just the environment, and finally just the operating system of the host. |
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29 | 1 | Justin Sherrill | To access a template of a certain type simply use this url: |
30 | |||
31 | 13 | Justin Sherrill | @/unattended/KIND_NAME@ |
32 | 1 | Justin Sherrill | |
33 | 13 | Justin Sherrill | For example: @/unattended/provision@ |
34 | 12 | Justin Sherrill | would render the provisioning template. The host will be based on the IP Address it is accessed from. To spoof a template simply access the url in this manner: |
35 | |||
36 | 13 | Justin Sherrill | @/unattended/provision?spoof= |
37 | 12 | Justin Sherrill | |
38 | where is the ip address of the system you want to spoof. This allows you to view a template for a particular system from anywhere. |
39 | 8 | Justin Sherrill | |
40 | |||
41 | 17 | Justin Sherrill | |
42 | 8 | Justin Sherrill | h3. Hostgroup-based rendering |
43 | 9 | Justin Sherrill | |
44 | 8 | Justin Sherrill | Allows any template to be rendered for any Hostgroup. When rendering using a hostgroup, @host is actually the hostgroup instead of a defined host. The default values for the hostgroup are used for templated values. This means if a value is not set in the hostgroup, you may get an error when rendering the template. To access a template using a Hostgroup to render, simply use this URL: |
45 | |||
46 | /unattended/template/Template Name/Hostgroup Name |
47 | |||
48 | For example, a hostgroup of name Finance, and a template named WebServerKickstart could be rendered using the url: |
49 | |||
50 | 11 | Justin Sherrill | /unattended/template/WebServerKickstart/Finance |
51 | 1 | Justin Sherrill | |
52 | 33 | Ohad Levy | h3. PXE Menus |
53 | 10 | Justin Sherrill | |
54 | 33 | Ohad Levy | Pxe Menus can be deployed to smart proxies from the Config Templates list page (/config_templates). All provision templates will be added with each of their hostgroup combinations(see above). For example if the template "WebServerKickstart" is associated to the Hostgroup1/Production, Hostgroup2/Production, and Hostgroup2/Testing combinations, the template would only be added twice. Once for WebServerKickstart-Hostgroup1 and WebServerKickstart-Hostgroup2. |
55 | 8 | Justin Sherrill | |
56 | h2. Writing templates |
57 | 17 | Justin Sherrill | |
58 | Templates can be written using common ERB style templating. Here's an example on using a variable/function: |
59 | |||
60 | @rootpw --iscrypted <%25= root_pass %25>@ |
61 | |||
62 | Using a simple conditional: |
63 | |||
64 | @<%25= "selinux --disabled\n" if @osver != 3 -%25>@ |
65 | This would include a line to disable selinux if the operating system version is not 3 (since Selinux isn't supported on RHEL 3) |
66 | |||
67 | Another way to do conditional (with if/elsif/else): |
68 | |||
69 | 18 | Justin Sherrill | <pre> |
70 | 17 | Justin Sherrill | <%25 if @osver == 5 -%25> |
71 | echo "uses yum" |
72 | <%25 elsif @osver == 4 -%25> |
73 | echo "uses up2date |
74 | <%25 else -%25> |
75 | echo "I'm not sure" |
76 | <%25 end -%25> |
77 | 18 | Justin Sherrill | </pre> |
78 | 8 | Justin Sherrill | |
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81 | h2. Functions and macros: |
82 | |||
83 | 1 | Justin Sherrill | |_.Name|_.Description|_.Example| |
84 | |root_pass |The root password configured for the system| | |
85 | 19 | Justin Sherrill | |ks_console |A string assembled using the port and baud of the host which can be added to a kernel line | ks_console => console=ttyS1,9600 | |
86 | 24 | Justin Sherrill | |snippet(name) | Renders the specified snippet | | |
87 | 1 | Justin Sherrill | |foreman_url(kind)| Provides the full URL to a host-rendered template of the given kind | foreman_url("provision") => http://HOST/unattended/provision | |
88 | 38 | Greg Sutcliffe | |@host.name |The (full) name of the host| | |
89 | |@host.shortname |The (short) name of the host| | |
90 | 39 | Ben Hagen | |@host.domain |The domain of the host| | |
91 | 28 | Howard Jones | |@host.ip |The IP address of the host| | |
92 | 32 | Florian Koch | |@host.mac |The HW address of the host| | |
93 | 1 | Justin Sherrill | |@host.diskLayout |The disklayout of the host (could come from the operating system)| | |
94 | |@host.puppetmaster |The puppetmaster the host should use | | |
95 | 34 | Frank Sweetser | |@host.architecture |The arch of the host (i.e. x86_64)| | |
96 | 21 | Justin Sherrill | |@host.operatingsystem.name|The operating system name| | |
97 | 1 | Justin Sherrill | |@host.operatingsystem.major |The major version of the OS|| |
98 | |@host.operatingsystem.minor |The minor version of the OS|| |
99 | |@host.operatingsystem.family |The OS Family (I.e. redhat, debian, etc.)|| |
100 | 21 | Justin Sherrill | |@host.url_for_boot(:kernel) |Full url to the kernel associated with this host.|| |
101 | |@host.url_for_boot(:initrd) |Full url to the initrd image associated with this host|| |
102 | 1 | Justin Sherrill | |
103 | 21 | Justin Sherrill | h3. Kickstart only variables (Only available for provision templates and "RedHat" Family operating systems): |
104 | 1 | Justin Sherrill | |
105 | |_.Name|_.Description|_.Example| |
106 | 21 | Justin Sherrill | |@osver |The OS Major Version (Same as @host.operatingsystem.major)|| |
107 | |@arch | The architecture (same as @host.architecture.name) || |
108 | |@mediapath | The full kickstart line to provide the url command.|@mediapath => http://file.example.com/RHEL-5-Server/U5/x86_64/os/| |
109 | |@epel |A command which will automatically install the correct version of the epel-release rpm. Use full in a %25post script.|@epel => "su -c 'rpm -Uvh http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/5/x86_64/epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm'"| |
110 | 31 | Joshua Hoblitt | |@dynamic |true if the parition table being used is a %25pre script (has #Dynamic as the first line of the table)|<%25 if @dynamic -%25>| |
111 | 1 | Justin Sherrill | |
112 | 21 | Justin Sherrill | h3. Preseed attributes (Only available for provision templates and "Debian" Family operating systems):: |
113 | 6 | Justin Sherrill | |
114 | 1 | Justin Sherrill | |_.Name|_.Description|_.Example| |
115 | |@preseed_path ||| |
116 | |@preseed_server ||| |
117 | 27 | Alexander Rusa | |
118 | h3. Host- or Hostgroup parameters |
119 | |||
120 | 35 | David M. | @host.params['parameter_name'] |
121 | |||
122 | Hint: You may have to disable Safemode-Rendering in More->Settings. |
123 | 36 | Adrian Bridgett | |
124 | 41 | Ohad Levy | h3. Compute Resource Specific functions |
125 | |||
126 | see [[Compute Resources#Templates]] |
127 | |||
128 | 36 | Adrian Bridgett | h3. Settings |
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130 | Setting.setting_name |
131 | |||
132 | You will need to disable Safemode-Rendering in More->Settings. |