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Dominic Cleal, 03/04/2014 04:05 PM
triaging new issues
Triage process¶
It's important for us to maintain our Redmine instance, ensuring that issues filed in it accurately represent the known status and have all the necessary data present for developers to solve them.
Most of the issues that get filed need some sort of triage when initially created, as they may be missing information, not filed in the correct project or category, or might be duplicates or related to another issue already in the system. Doing this as issues are filed is usually best, so we don't end up with a backlog and so submitters get a quick response (particularly where an issue is already fixed, or more information is required).
The second area where issue triage is important is after they've been in the system for months or years. It's common for issues to have been resolved by later work, either directly (exact duplicates) or by related or larger work (e.g. refactors or redesigns), so returning and checking up on existing issues is useful to keep the overall issue count down.
Triaging new issues¶
It's recommended that you enable e-mail notifications for projects you're working on (, or all projects. A threaded e-mail client helps a great deal too in managing these.
- That you understand the issue description, and either edit and clarify it or add comments to clarify it.
- That the issue subject concisely describes the issue, and edit it if not, ensuring it's useful in searches.
- That the issue is filed in the correct project (particularly Foreman API versus Hammer CLI, or Foreman vs Installer or SELinux)
- If the user says "errors", that we have a copy of the full and exact errors, with complete backtraces and logs (especially for API or CLI issues).
The following fields are important:
- Status: should be "New" unless it's being actively worked on. "Feedback" if the issue is resolved in some way, but we want the user to confirm. "Need more information" when waiting on more information from the user.
- Category: should be filled in, e.g. "compute resources" for anything related to virtualisation providers
- Release: should never be filled in on new issues, only when fixed (a committer will usually set this)
- Difficulty: should only be filled in if you have a reasonable idea, else unset it (new devs may start with "trivial" or "easy" issues, so this should be kept reasonably accurate)
If this is a duplicate of an existing issue, use the related issues are to link it with "Duplicates ... #9999" and then set the status to "Duplicate".
Do set related issues if you know any, since this can be very useful if one issue in an area is fixed and we can confirm if related issues either were or can be fixed at the same time.
Updated by Dominic Cleal about 11 years ago · 4 revisions