



Autoyast based unattended installation

Autoyast files

Working Autoyast files have been commited to the community-templates repository:

The main difference between provision.erb and provision_sles.erb is, that the latter uses the systemsmanagement:puppet repository by default and adds rubygem-ruby-augeas to the package list, so a recent puppet agent (contrary to 2.6, even on SLES 11 SP3) with working augeas is getting installed.

Note that some dependencies are only available from SLES SDK and you have to update the URL in provision_sles.erb to point to your copy of the SLES SDK DVD.

Media notes

Installation media can be accessed via nfs,ftp or http. The easiest way to setup installation sources for SLES is to use the module in Yast.

Yast -> Miscellaneous -> Installation Server

The path to the installation media differs from SLES9 and SLES10/11. So you have to create two separate installation media entries in foreman.



Foreman will try to find initrd in @mediapath/boot/$arch/loader. This is a problem since SLES9 keeps the initrd in a different directory. A simple workaround is to copy the folder to the correct location for Foreman to pick it up.


Foreman tries to copy initrd of SLES 9.4 64Bit:


So we have to copy and create the directory structure:

mkdir boot/x86_64/loader
cp SUSE-SLES-9-Service-Pack-4/CD1/boot/loader/initrd boot/x86_64/loader

Now Foreman will find the initrd. You can verfiy this by enabling debugging for foreman proxy and checking the logs or checking the file size on the files created in the tftp directory.


SLES 11 Updates

If you want to use SLES Updates in the installation environment download the patch from Novell's website. Please note that you need a valid support contract to download the patch. Create a minimal installation source that can be added during the installation process. This will ensure that a later version of puppet is installed during deployment with foreman. You can find very good instructions on how to create an installation source here:

Once you have the install source ready, create a new provision template in forman:

Name: YaST2 SLES 11.1 Updates
Snippet: YES


Software Packages

If you don't specify any software packages autoyast will assume a minimal installation. This means no GUI but a very small footprint on the installed system. In case you want a default Installation with GUI and so on, create one more provisioning template to hold the package definitions.

Name: Yast SLES 11.1 Packages
Snippet: YES

    <packages config:type="list">
 <patterns config:type="list">

This is the default package selection of a fresh installed SLES 11.1 system. Maybe just defining the patterns would be enough.

Updated by Anonymous about 11 years ago · 17 revisions