Katello 4.13.2 open about 7 months late (08/09/2024) 80% 5 issues (4 closed — 1 open) Related issues Bug #37694: Repo discovery returns all repos hosted at the provided url Actions Bug #37727: Unable to query hosts due to error 'undefined method `major' for nil:NilClass' Actions Bug #37763: Registration without environments or environment_id param causes NoMethodError Actions Bug #37879: Full Capsule Sync always trigger pulp optimised sync Actions Bug #37896: REX jobs cause empty error toasts Actions
Katello Next open 20 days late (02/18/2025) Placeholder for the next version of Katello 50% 2 issues (1 closed — 1 open) Related issues Bug #38268: Org options are missing in inline help Actions Bug #38270: Content view environments can be created without a content view version id Actions
Katello 4.16.0 open Due in 30 days (04/09/2025) Katello 4.16.0 57% 166 issues (95 closed — 71 open) Related issues Bug #35237: Move ACS refresh and orphan cleanup cron jobs to recurring logics Actions Bug #35357: All repositories are applied when user only selects certain repositories in repo sets tab Actions Bug #35603: Need to refactor duplicated methods in SystemPurposeSelector Actions Bug #35615: repository api result shows wrong value for key last_sync_words Actions Bug #35676: Python Package Types don't filter out whitespace Actions Bug #35732: new locations force hostgroups and provisioning templates to be in the ignore_types list breaking user workflows Actions Bug #36057: Installable updates on the All Hosts index page are misaligned (not the Content hosts page) Actions Bug #36079: Use new REX job wizard form everywhere Actions Bug #36148: hammer repository reclaim-space should not require organization to be passed Actions Bug #36310: Don't allow users to register hosts to content views generated by content export commands (and migrate off existing ones) Actions Bug #36403: Organization delete fails when hosts attached to CV but in different location Actions Bug #36553: Set needs_publish to false for CVs generated for import. Actions Bug #36555: Delete packages from repo doesn't notify users of any errors Actions Bug #36635: Wait for task success before closing out new AK modals Actions Bug #36712: Can't select all errata from content - errata submenu Actions Bug #36736: On new host details HW properties card ram on VMware is misleading Actions Bug #36879: Broken upstream modular RPMs reported as upgradable to Actions Bug #36929: Breadcrumb switcher for Module stream details shows multiple entries Actions Bug #36951: Fix old OstreeRepoImport reference Actions Bug #36965: RHEL lifecycle status on all hosts page should display icons only for RHEL clients Actions Bug #37077: undefined method `repository_url' for nil:NilClass Actions Bug #37124: Rename docker content type to container Actions Bug #37125: Add "container" APIs that match the docker APIs Actions Bug #37135: hammer produces ambiguous results for Trace Status Actions Bug #37151: hammer allows creation of content overrides other than 'enabled' Actions Bug #37221: Rename docker to container in hammer Actions Bug #37256: Change content source JS console error: Cannot update a component ('ConnectFunction') while rendering a different component ('Context.Consumer') Actions Bug #37290: Hostgroup inheritance for LCE and CV does not work for grandchildren hostgroups Actions Bug #37377: python2 / python3 interop issue Actions Bug #37401: --content-view-filter-id only works for ID-type filters Actions Bug #37507: Possible memory leak Actions Bug #37525: Content view card links to Default Organization View Actions Bug #37528: Removed products do not dissapear from the web UI until the page is manually reloaded Actions Bug #37600: Errors while deleting repository from Katello: Unable to find content with the ID "XXXX" Actions Bug #37708: Deb Content View Filter bug Actions Bug #37798: Multi-CV activation keys get their content view environments overwritten on any edit Actions Bug #37837: Satellite can wrongly indicate installable errata to host when packages updated belong to different repos on a CV and the repos are not in sync between each other Actions Bug #37859: Get rid of evr extension and recreate evr_t in katello Actions Bug #37873: Issues when using Host Collection membership Management, the number of content hosts is not accurate Actions Bug #37890: Remove message about subscription-manager 1.10 Actions Bug #37895: Can't remove a version from an environment if it is being used by a multi-CV activation key. Actions Bug #37935: rake katello:reset fails with ActiveRecord:RecordNotSaved Actions Bug #37943: Add manifest arch, os, and compressed layers size fields from Pulp Actions Bug #37946: Content view with include errata filter has fewer package count than expected Actions Bug #37955: hammer does not propagate errors in host update Actions Bug #37959: Ansible collection capsule sync doesn't respect optimized:false value Actions Bug #37977: Katello prevents foreman server startup when Pulp is not reachable Actions Bug #37988: As a user, I can expect container repo names to follow the latest standard Actions Bug #37998: deb type content host with structured APT enabled throws errors on repository sets tab Actions Bug #38007: needs_publish is incorrect before page refresh Actions Bug #38014: undefined method error for hammer capsule content info Actions Bug #38020: [DEV] Add RHEL 10 repos to recommended repositories (after 4.15 branching) Actions Bug #38028: Update smart proxy url methods for load balancer compatibility Actions Bug #38035: Upload deb package through hammer may not add it publication Actions Bug #38038: Show URL to GPG Key Actions Bug #38042: LCE id is not passed on Refresh counts trigger from WebUI Actions Bug #38047: Do not tranlsate links in toasts Actions Bug #38054: Add full GPG Key URL to hammer repo info Actions Bug #38061: Using deb content filters with structured APT enabled breaks repo publications Actions Bug #38065: Remove syspurpose addons from hammer Actions Bug #38069: Deb Packages page shows empty on Content Views tab Actions Bug #38072: As a user, I can see an overview of container images used with image-mode systems via API & hammer Actions Bug #38076: The content view APIs will pass repository_ids to the code both as a list of int or a list of strings Actions Bug #38086: Products index page is slow for products that have no synced repositories Actions Bug #38096: APT repos using flat repo format cannot be synced to smart proxy Actions Bug #38102: Flatpak remote returns auth_token on the API Actions Bug #38104: In host/groups media should not be visible when Synced Content is selected Actions Bug #38107: As a user, I can see an overview of container images used with image-mode systems in the UI Actions Bug #38111: Change content source & REX Pull provider Actions Bug #38112: Display LCEs in order of LCE Path in GUI CV Page and hammer for Content View Actions Bug #38114: Hammer should provide the option to add an environment after Library to an existing path Actions Bug #38116: Reassigning host content views when removing Content view version/environment in multi-CV hosts Actions Bug #38117: Smart proxy sync is not updating package count for repos inside content view. Actions Bug #38118: FIPS-enabled deployment fails with Rails 7 Actions Bug #38128: Image mode digests should be allowed to be empty Actions Bug #38137: Do not double-escape "*" during package update Actions Bug #38140: Job: Resolve Traces - Katello Ansible Default - fails to reboot machine Actions Bug #38142: content_view_environments methods need to be added to Safemode Actions Bug #38144: Flatpak client unable to do authenticated pull from smart proxy Actions Bug #38148: Drop EL8 builds from container_gateway plugin Actions Bug #38149: Flatpak install REX template assumes presence of the optional remote name input Actions Bug #38150: To convert "Got multiple version_hrefs for pulp task" error into a warning or suppress it Actions Bug #38152: RHEL 10 support policy + EOL info is added to hosts Actions Bug #38158: Add RHEL 10 to repo version restriction logic. Actions Bug #38160: Use new host page setting to link to hosts index from content view details page Actions Bug #38161: Humanize Resource Type for flatpak permissions Actions Bug #38162: Repository > New form doesn't render properly Actions Bug #38163: Argument list too long in "Install errata by search query - Katello Ansible Default" when applying multiple errata Actions Bug #38170: hammer activation-key create false positive when passing in only --content-view Actions Bug #38175: 'Select all' on errata page attempts installing extra errata on host Actions Bug #38179: Content views list duplicate relations for multiCV hosts and activation keys Actions Bug #38180: Flatpak rex templates don't appear in order Actions Bug #38188: The "Synchronize Now" button within Sync Status page of Satellite WebUI does not perform any visible action when the associated Content View is being published Actions Bug #38196: Sync Status page Select None not working Actions Bug #38204: Http proxy is referenced in postgres even after being removed from the Satellite server Actions Bug #38206: OSP Authenticated Pull fails from Satellite with error 422 Client Error: Unprocessable Content for url Actions Bug #38212: Container push should hide expected 404 message from pulp when looking up blobs Actions Bug #38214: Should hide Change content source task when permissions are missing Actions Bug #38215: Add unset feature in set release version bulk action on the content host Actions Bug #38216: Packages wizard on new "All Hosts Page" removes host filter if hosts are re-sorted Actions Bug #38218: CV with depsolving and filters on selected repos is broken at orhpan cleanup Actions Bug #38221: APT repos using flat repo format with a distribution other than "/" are broken Actions Bug #38225: Extra tbody left inside booted containers table causes automation issues Actions Bug #38226: Image mode all hosts column title should be 'Type' Actions Bug #38230: in host edit, unselecting media causes page freeze Actions Bug #38231: Old CV versions may contain deb repos without structure content Actions Bug #38236: Job template "Set up Flatpak remote" fails when /run/containers/0/auth.json is missing Actions Bug #38243: Registering a host with non-admin user with "Register hosts" role doesn't move the host in specified location Actions Bug #38251: Unable to an create activation key when no content-view is selected Actions Bug #38253: Assigning  multiple CVs to a client via hammer fails with error 500 when allow_multiple_content_views setting is disabled Actions Bug #38260: Katello host form hooks get attached multiple times Actions Bug #38261: Update Recommeneded Repositories Page to modify Satellite, Capsule and Maintainance repository from 6.16 to 6.17 for RHEL 9 Actions Bug #38264: Duplicate entries in the "Lifecycle Environment" or "Content View" dropdown menu when creating a host Actions Bug #38265: When nesting hostgroups, CV/LCE do not populate upon changing the content source Actions Bug #38269: Organization-label can break container image sync Actions Bug #38273: flatpak-remote create writes the token string to production.log in plaintext Actions Feature #35162: Allow Katello to run without Redis Actions Feature #35444: Better way how to display ignored hosts Actions Feature #35445: Display list of hosts that are going to be updated (not ignored) Actions Feature #35570: [RFE] Ignore SRPMs has no effect to existing SRPMs in repository Actions Feature #35959: Replace simple publisher with structured publisher for Debian Repositories Actions Feature #36087: Remote Execution sometimes needs to use update-minimal --nobest to install errata Actions Feature #36227: Provide a package distribution link on the details page to download the package directly. Actions Feature #36261: ACS - Handle bulk tasks better in the UI Actions Feature #36539: Allow deleting tags and untagging manifests from Katello Actions Feature #37471: Support Zeitwerk loader Actions Feature #37491: Deprecate --component-ids option from 'hammer content-view component remove' Actions Feature #37502: Show the purpose of the product gpg key Actions Feature #37710: Add check for missing candlepin product-content association Actions Feature #37729: Version option for deb filter rules Actions Feature #37752: Update to Patternfly 5 Actions Feature #37795: As a user, I want to be able to set multiple Content Views via a single Activation key Actions Feature #37852: Support Rails 7.0 Actions Feature #37923: Set HTTP proxy as default after creating Actions Feature #37929: Support on-demand for file repos Actions Feature #37958: Add option to not sync dependencies of Ansible collections Actions Feature #37975: As a user, I can see image-mode hosts' current and future image, manifest, tag via Hammer Actions Feature #37976: Add API endpoints with permissions for Flatpak remotes Actions Feature #37983: Remove syspurpose addons from Katello Actions Feature #37989: As a user I can interact with remote repositories and manifests via API and mirror remote repositories in Katello Actions Feature #37994: Gather bootc-related facts and populate content facet fields Actions Feature #38013: A new card on Host details tab for image information Actions Feature #38018: Update angular-rails-templates to a Rails 7 compatible version Actions Feature #38071: Migrate to using type field in container manifests and lists Actions Feature #38080: Add a lab navigation menu for flatpak UI Actions Feature #38083: Filter Deb Packages by repository Actions Feature #38084: Add new job templates for bootc upgrade/switch/rollback via REX Actions Feature #38097: New "All Hosts Page" should show Package Updates for Debian/Ubuntu Actions Feature #38105: As a client, I should have access to all flatpaks available via registered Content View/Environment Actions Feature #38109: Add a job template for flatpak setup on hosts and possibly install a flatpak image Actions Feature #38113: Add a link to the new REX bootc action on the image mode details card Actions Feature #38127: As a user, I can see an overview of container images used with image-mode systems via Hammer Actions Feature #38143: [RFE] Hint to enable settings 'allow_multiple_content_views' in hammer ak command Actions Refactor #36347: Remove YumMetadataFiles Actions Refactor #37099: Use only upstream repositories in tests from https://fixtures.pulpproject.org/ Actions Refactor #37388: Drop remaining Pulp 2 Smart Proxy status code Actions Refactor #37402: add jquery-ui dependency Actions Refactor #37678: Add postgresql-evr as a migration Actions Refactor #37910: move css import from vendor to foreman Actions Refactor #37952: Use Foreman's TableIndexPage for host collections Actions Refactor #38023: Use #add instead of #<< for ActiveModel::Errors Actions Refactor #38026: Remove redundant require calls Actions Refactor #38194: Update web UI wording for multiCV Actions Tracker #35443: Hosts - Change content source UX improvements Actions Tracker #36888: Remove deprecated field from docker repo authentication tokens Actions Tracker #37960: As a user I can introspect flatpak remotes Actions
Katello 4.17.0 open Due in about 4 months (07/03/2025) Issues for Katello version 4.17.0 23% 17 issues (4 closed — 13 open) Related issues Bug #37740: Smart proxies can serve incorrect content if remote is nil Actions Bug #38005: UI additions to allow display of 'other' errata types Actions Bug #38009: Content Override on deb type host with structured APT enabled bulk-action issue Actions Bug #38015: Smart proxy content page console error when count is {} Actions Bug #38025: Label option is removed while creating new Organization in UI Actions Bug #38056: Refresh content counts action on Smart proxy fails when content_counts is set to {} Actions Bug #38063: Organization label gets passed to calls to candlepin before being validated Actions Bug #38133: Capsule sync status wrongly reported Actions Bug #38135: Allow for scoped search of 'other' errata types Actions Bug #38190: Remove version from environment wizard doesn't enforce content source LCE rules Actions Bug #38191: Remove version from environment wizard still makes you choose a replacement cv/lce even if it will be ignored Actions Bug #38205: Orphan deletion fails with "The repository version cannot be deleted because it (or its publications) are currently being used to distribute content. Please update the necessary distributions first." Actions Feature #38019: Add hammer support for flatpak remotes Actions Feature #38048: Add rolling content views Actions Feature #38186: Add Debian support to the new All Hosts --> Manage packages wizard Actions Refactor #38203: We have some dead code on our hands Actions Refactor #38271: Upgrade Pulpcore to 3.73 Actions