DockerIntegration » History » Revision 1
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Kyle Baker, 12/03/2014 01:52 PM
Docker Integration¶
This is a template to start with. To create new feature, make up a URL of your preference and set Parent page (bellow the form) to Features. Write a summary, owners, current status and keep the page up to date.
Targeted Release¶
Foreman 0.0 / Katello 0.0
Targeted Persona¶
User Stories¶
Owner - John Doe
Status - Not Started
Expected Delivery - TBD
Blockers - None
Owner - John Doe
Status - Not Started
Expected Delivery - TBD
Blockers - Waiting on User Stories
Owner - John Doe
Status - Not Started
Blockers - Waiting on User Stories & Requirements
Last updated TBD - Link to wireframes
Development Stories¶
Owner - Foreman (TBD) Katello (TBD)
Status - Not Started
Expected Delivery - TBD
Blockers - Waiting on Wireframes
User Stories¶
- Please include a story describing how the user would transverse this feature including the workflow. This story ideally would include what their actions would be before and after completion of the task.
- User stories will be broken down of the into specific actionable tasks to design and develop against.
Updated by Kyle Baker over 10 years ago · 6 revisions