FeatureTemplate » History » Revision 2
Revision 1 (Kyle Baker, 12/03/2014 11:24 AM) → Revision 2/4 (Kyle Baker, 12/04/2014 10:49 AM)
h1. Feature Name
h2. Summary
This is a template to start with. To create new feature, make up a URL of your preference and set Parent page (bellow the form) to *Features*. Write a summary, owners, current status and keep the page up to date.
h2. Targeted Release
Foreman 0.0 / Katello 0.0
h2. Trackers
h2. Targeted Persona
h2. Status
h3. User Stories
Owner - John Doe
Status - Not Started
Expected Delivery - TBD
Blockers - None
h3. Requirements
Owner - John Doe
Status - Not Started
Expected Delivery - TBD
Blockers - Waiting on User Stories
h3. Wireframes
Owner - John Doe
Status - Not Started
Blockers - Waiting on User Stories & Requirements
Last updated TBD - Link to wireframes
h3. Development Stories
Owner - Foreman (TBD) Katello (TBD)
Status - Not Started
Expected Delivery - TBD
Blockers - Waiting on Wireframes
h2. Documentation
h3. User Stories
* Please include a story describing how the user would transverse this feature including the workflow. This story ideally would include what their actions would be before and after completion of the task.
h3. Requirements
* User stories will be broken down of the into specific actionable tasks to design and develop against.
h3. Development Stories