HostUnification » History » Revision 2
Revision 1 (Justin Sherrill, 04/29/2015 07:58 PM) → Revision 2/25 (Justin Sherrill, 04/29/2015 09:55 PM)
h1. Host Unification
h2. Main Goals
* Unify "Content Hosts" and Hosts so that they are one object based on a 'Host'. The content and subscription portions simply become attributes/concerns/aspects of a Host object.
h3. Design
h4. Ideal Design
We have presented two designs, one design based somewhat on this discussion:!searchin/foreman-dev/shim/foreman-dev/9ByQmAtKokQ/W2V924xqtYUJ
The goal is to open a pull request with this design implemented for the Puppet related portion and if feedback is positive to proceed with the Content and Subscription portions.
h4. Fallback design:
If this does not go favourably, we present this alternative design which is very similar but simpler in nature: