Personas ACME-Financial » History » Revision 9
Revision 8 (Kyle Baker, 12/11/2014 11:47 AM) → Revision 9/28 (Kyle Baker, 12/11/2014 11:48 AM)
h1. ACME Financial Services Company h3. A Large Consumer Financial Services With A Retail, Web, and Office Environment. ACME Financial is a large financial services company. They have a large IT infrastructure that runs many mission-critical applications. They are rarely on the cutting edge of new technologies but they are aware of them. They value solid, industry standard technology backed up by vendor support. They have a large host infrastructure divided into separate departments managed by different groups of system administrators. Their Katello/Foreman environment is currently a mission-critical application utilized daily as part of their Linux based management across the company. This includes distribution of critical security patches to the entire infrastructure. h2. System Types !! h2. Linux Systems Infrastructure - Current !! h2. Linux Systems Infrastructure - Next 5 Years !! h2. Systems Management Environment !! h2. Personas (Table) h2. Roles h3. System Management (Table) h3. Infrastructure (Table)