PulpV3GapAnalysis » History » Revision 7
Revision 6 (Brian Bouterse, 06/07/2018 06:51 PM) → Revision 7/40 (Brian Bouterse, 06/08/2018 03:09 PM)
h1. PulpV3GapAnalysis h1. Content Tab h2. Content -> Red Hat Repositories Katello knows the content URLs from candlepin, matches on the CDN, presents them to the user, the user selects them * Katello creates a Repo tracking this in Pulp with client certificates and CA certificate * Katello specifies custom options from the 'Custom Repo Creation Page' but these use cases are covered in that section Katello deletes a Repository h2. Content -> Products h3. Content -> Products -> New Product (used for things like CentOS, SLES, etc) All data here is stored only in Katello since this is a Product not a Repository and Pulp doesn't have a concept of a Product Sync Plans will *not* be handled inside of Pulp h3. Content -> Products -> {product_name} -> Repositories The user selects a type and content-specific fields are shown. h4. Debian: h5. Sync Options * Upstream URL (str) * Releases (csv list) * Components (csv list) * Architectures (csv list) * Verify SSL (boolean) * Upstream username (str) * Upstream password (str) * Ignore Global http Proxy (bool) h5. Publish Options * Publish via HTTP (bool) <----------------------------- PROBLEM AREA h4. Docker * Sync Options * Ustream URL (str) * Upstream Repository Name (str) * Verify SSL (bool) * Upstream username (str) * Upstream password (str) * Ignore Global http Proxy (bool) h4. File h5. Sync Options * Upstream URL (str) * Verify SSL (boolean) * Upstream username (str) * Upstream password (str) * Ignore Global http Proxy (bool) h5. Publish Options * Publish via HTTP (bool) <----------------------------- PROBLEM AREA h4. OSTree h5. Sync Options * Upstream URL (str) * Upstream Sync Policy (choice): Latest Only, All History, Custom Depth (with a number specified) <--- in Pulp2 also specified on distributor * Verify SSL (boolean) * Upstream username (str) * Upstream password (str) * Ignore Global http Proxy (bool) h4. Puppet h5. Sync Options * Upstream URL (str) * Verify SSL (boolean) * Upstream username (str) * Upstream password (str) * Mirror on Sync (boolean) * Ignore Global http Proxy (bool) h5. Publish Options * Publish via HTTP (bool) <----------------------------- PROBLEM AREA h4. Yum h5. General Fields <------ not used by Pulp * Restrict to Architecture (choice) * GPG Key (str) h5. Sync Settings * Upstream URL (str) * Ignorable Content (multiselect): RPM, DRPM, SRPM, Errata, Distribution * Verify SSL (boolean) * Upstream username (str) * Upstream password (str) * Download Policy (choice): (On Demand, Background, Immediate) <---- Background does not have a strong use case * Mirror on Sync (bool) * Ignore Global http Proxy (bool) * SSL CA Cert (str) * SSL Client Cert (str) * SSL Client Key(str) h5. Publish Settings * Checksum: (choice) Default, sha256, sha1 <----- for all repodata including primary.xml h3. Content -> Products -> {product_name} -> Repositories -> {repository_name} This displays a created repository. Katello allows the user to upload a package * Receives the data from the user, sends it to Pulp * Relies on Pulp to fully parse the metadata and create the unit <------- REQUIREMENT: must have Pulp determine all metadata * Associates the the unit with the repository Katello Reads a content Summary on this page h5. Content -> Products -> {product_name} -> Repositories -> {repository_name} -> Select Action -> Sync Now Katello tells the remote associated with the repository to sync h5. Content -> Products -> {product_name} -> Repositories -> {repository_name} -> Select Action -> Advaced Sync Katello can peroform an 'Advnaced Sync': Optimized Sync - Normal sync, presented Complete Sync - force-full on sync and force-full on publish <--------------------- GAP because we don't have force-full Validate Content Sync - performs a checksum validation on all packages * True Purpose: Validate existing downloaded content and redownload if the file(s) are missing or corrupt, redownload them. <-------- GAP h5. Content -> Products -> {product_name} -> Repositories -> {repository_name} -> Select Action -> Republish Repository Metadata Republishes the metadata. * Katello would create a new Publication and update the Distribution h5. Content -> Products -> {product_name} -> Repositories -> {repository_name} -> Select Action -> Delete a Repository Deletes a repository h3. Content -> Products -> {product_name} -> Repositories This is the index view of all repositories Repsitories in Katello can have the same name, but Pulp enforces a unique name on repositories globally <--------- GAP Katello takes a Product ID which resolves to a set of repos. Katello fetches this set of repos. For each repo we need to fetch: * name (str) * type (str), e.g. 'yum' * sync status, e.g. 'Not synced, Pending, Error' <------------------------- GAP this would require a second call to load the data per Remote * Content Summary, e.g. 2 packages, 5 errata, etc. Similarly for other types. Katello can trigger a sync of one or more Repositories at once. * Trigger the sync on one or more Remotes as independant calls Katello can trigger a delete of one or more Repositories at once. * Trigger the delete call to Pulp as independant calls Search/Filtering of the list of Repositories, for Repository attributes * content_type: the type of content * content_view_id: the id of the content View <-------- not in Pulp anywhere currently * ignore_global_proxy <--------- GAP area, not currently in Pulp, but probably should be * name * product * redhat <---------- Anything added from Red Hat "Products" page in Katello gets Red Hat. Search/Filtering of the list of Repositories, for content units * distribution_arch: * distribution_bootable <----------- if Katello can detect if it has a vmlinuz init.rd it knows the distribution is bootable. Detected at the end of every sync. * distribution_family * distribution_uuid * distribution_variant * distribution_version *NOTE: Must not have to make a call for each item in a list page. Must be able to make one call.* h3. Content -> Products -> {product_name} -> Repositories -> {repository_name} -> Packages Lists packages in a repository (the latest repository version) Removing packages from the repository * Can remove n packages from the repository * Republish, Redistribute the repository h2. Content -> Content Credentials h3. Content -> Content Credentials -> GPG Keys GPG keys can be created and stored by Katello Pulp3 recommendation is to use pulp_file to hold the GPG keys hosted for clients to receive h3. Content -> Content Credentials -> SSL Certificate (GAP. This whole section is a GAP b/c Pulp doesn't "host" SSL certs, you have to manually install them on the filesystem first) Stores SSL certificates for use by Pulp at sync time as CA cert, client cert, or client key * name * value Supports updating them Support deleting them Support searching them (name, organization_id) SSL Certs are per-product, so Katello needs some way to restrict the set of available SSL certs for the current "product" h2. Content -> Sync Plans Sync plans will not be handled by Pulp 3, Katello/Foreman will handle scheduling. h2. Content -> Sync Status Show the most-recent sync status from dynflow data. That data is populated by task status results from Pulp, which needs to contain at a minimum: * start time * create time * end time * state * progress reports * fatal errors * non-fatal errors h2. Content -> Lifecycle h2. Content -> Lifecycle Environments Creates a lifecycle environment * Does *not* involve Pulp h3. Content -> Lifecycle Environments -> {name} -> Details Each lifecycle environment has a 'Registry Name Pattern'. <------- GAP (specific to Docker only) * Likely going to be on the Distributor * Katello would use the template to produce a concrete value to set on the Distributor * Important to ensure that two Distribution don't both receive the same concrete values h3. Content -> Lifecycle Environments -> {name} -> Content Views Filterable by: * composite * label * name * organization_id h3. Content -> Lifecycle Environments -> {name} -> Yum Repositories Content will come from CV section on Yum Repositories h3. Content -> Lifecycle Environments -> {name} -> Errata Content will come from CV section on Errata h3. Content -> Lifecycle Environments -> {name} -> Packages Content will come from CV section on Packages h3. Content -> Lifecycle Environments -> {name} -> Puppet Modules Content will come from CV section on Puppet Modules h3. Content -> Lifecycle Environments -> {name} -> Container Image Tags Content will come from CV section on Container Image Tags h3. Content -> Lifecycle Environments -> {name} -> OSTree Branches Content will come from CV section on OSTree Branches h2. Content -> Content Views h3. Content -> Content Views -> {name} -> Yum Repositories List/Remove/Add one or more repositories to the Content View * Does *not* involve Pulp h3. Content -> Content Views -> {name} -> Yum Filters h5. Package Filters * Select RPMs using include or exclude filters to be included/disincluded from the content view. * package name. Also supports wildcard. - an attribute of the metadata * architecture. An attribute of the metadata * version, lt, gt, range, etc. An attribute of the metadata Checkbox with 'include all RPMs with no errata'. Solves a practical issue whereby packages that received no errata are not included in a content view when the user applies a filter that only includes packages referenced as errata. h5. Package Group Filter Select package groups to include or remove rpms * name - an attribute of the metadata * product - the katello stored attribute * repository - the repo containing that unit * description - an attribute of the metadata h5. Errata by ID Filter <------ GAP: must be able to ask Pulp filter info and exclude filterable on errata attributes * type (multiselect) i.e. security, enhancement, bugfix * date either or choice: i.e. updated on, Issued on w/ start/end date * bug * cve * id * issued * package * package_name * reboot_suggested * severity * title * type * updated h2. Content -> Activation Keys h2. Content -> Content Types h2. Content -> Deb Packages h2. Content -> Container Image Tags h2. Content -> Errata h2. Content -> Files h2. Content -> OSTree Branches h2. Content -> Packages h2. Content -> Puppet Modules h1. Hosts -> Content Hosts h1. Non UI things * the API endpoint that clients upload their enabled repos * the API endpoint that clients upload their package profiles * the API endpoint that clients register * the API endpoint that clients unregister * speed throttling and other global settings? * Errata mailer * smart proxy page/details h1. Terminology Candlepin Manifest - Defines Products, Subscriptions, and a Content Sets Product - A collection of repositories. A repository can only belong to one product Repository Set - Has a name, Label, and URL of the form: /content/rhel/server/7/$RELVER/$BASEARCH/os/