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Kyle Baker, 12/15/2014 01:19 PM
Remote Execution¶
This is a template to start with. To create new feature, make up a URL of your preference and set Parent page (bellow the form) to Features. Write a summary, owners, current status and keep the page up to date.
Targeted Release¶
Foreman 1.9 / Katello 2.3
Targeted Persona¶
Use Cases¶
Owner - David Caplan
Status - In Progress
Expected Delivery - TBD
Blockers - None
Owner - Mike Mccune / David Caplan
Status - Not Started
Expected Delivery - TBD
Blockers - Waiting on User Stories
Owner - Kyle Baker
Status - Not Started
Blockers - Waiting on User Stories & Requirements
Last updated TBD - --
Development Stories¶
Owner - Foreman (TBD) Katello (TBD)
Status - Not Started
Expected Delivery - TBD
Blockers - Waiting on Wireframes
Use Cases¶
- Challenges around Errata Management (Maintenance window). We have not plumbed errata management with a remote execution framework.
- General purpose scheduling. Can CloudForms do this function?
- GoferD approach may have legs
- What about Ansible (agent less) Satellite 5 can operate almost completely autonomously.
- From my original use cases from 7-13
- As a user I would like to create a script or manifest of remote commands and apply it to one or more systems
- As a user I would like my remote command scripts to leverage smart variables
- As a user I would like to be able to edit the remote command manifest and re-apply it to one or more systems
- As a user I would like to copy the remote command manifest, modify the copy and apply it to one or more systems
- As a user I would like the ability to archive/version a remote command manifest as content
- As a user I would like to ability to undo the changes evoked by the execution of a remote command manifest (within reason)
- As a user I would like monitor the operational status of an evocation of remote commands (# of successful completions, # of failures)
- As a system I want the application of remote commands to retry on failure on a per system basis
- As a user I would like to apply a remote command manifest to a system group, a host-group, or under Sat 6 script control, to systems that match Facts
- As a user I need to browse remote command manifests in the system from the CLI/API
- As a user I need the ability to evoke remote commands from the CLI/API
- As a user I would like to schedule the evocation of remote commands at any granularity
- As a user I want the ability to use Kerberos tickets to authenticate the receipt of remote command manifests from Satellite 6 (can piggyback on QPID)
- As a user I want Satellite 6 to log all invocations of remote commands including their disposition
- User stories will be broken down of the into specific actionable tasks to design and develop against.
Updated by Kyle Baker about 10 years ago · 5 revisions