


Installation instructions » History » Revision 16

Revision 15 (Greg Sutcliffe, 10/23/2012 10:33 AM) → Revision 16/17 (Ruslan Tumarkin, 11/12/2012 07:12 AM)


 h1. Installation instructions 

 h2. Source code 

 You can get the latest stable code from "GitHub": ("via git":git:// 
 git clone git:// 

 h2. RPM 

 You can get a the stable rpm "Here": 

 h2. Debian/Ubuntu packages 

 We provide packages for Smart-Proxy for the following Debian-based Linux distributions: 

 * Debian Linux 6.0 (Squeeze) 
 * Ubuntu Linux 11.04 (Precise Pangolin) 

 These packages may also work on (let us know if they do :P): 

 * Debian Linux 5.0 (Lenny), see notes below 
 * Ubuntu Linux 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) 
 * Ubuntu Linux 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) 
 * Ubuntu Linux 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) 

 Add one (and only one) of the following package sources to your @/etc/apt/sources.list@ or create an appropriate file in @/etc/apt/sources.list.d/@: 

 # Stable packages 

 # Debian Squeeze 
 deb squeeze stable 
 # Ubuntu Precise 
 deb precise stable 

 # Nightly builds. Beware: HERE BE DRAGONS 

 # Debian Squeeze 
 deb squeeze nightly 
 # Ubuntu Precise 
 deb precise nightly 

 The public key for "secure APT": can be downloaded "here": 

 You can add the key after its download with 
 <pre># Debian Linux (as root) 
 apt-key add foreman.asc 

 # Ubuntu Linux (as normal user) 
 sudo apt-key add foreman.asc 

 or combine downloading and registering: 
 <pre># Debian Linux (as root) 
 wget -q -O- | apt-key add - 

 # Ubuntu Linux (as normal user) 
 wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add - 

 The key fingerprint is 
 1DCB 15D1 2CA1 40EE F494    7E57 66CF 053F E775 FF07 
 Foreman Archive Signing Key <> 

 To install Smart-Proxy, run 

 <pre># Debian Linux (as root) 
 apt-get update 
 apt-get install foreman-proxy 

 # Ubuntu Linux (as normal user) 
 sudo aptitude update 
 sudo aptitude install foreman-proxy 

 h3. Debian Linux 5.0 (Lenny) 

 Users of Debian Lenny will have to use "rake":, "rack":, and "Sinatra": from @lenny-backports@. 

 See for instructions on how to add @lenny-backports@ to your list of repositories and install a package from it. 

 Please note that you'll have to install the packages from @lenny-backports@ using @apt-get -t lenny-backports install libsinatra-ruby@. 

 h2. Configuration file 

 Usually can be found at /etc/foreman-proxy/settings.yml or on the config/settings.yml subdirectory. 
 You can use the @settings.yml.example@ file inside the @config@ directory as a template for your own [[settings.yml]]. 

 If you don't plan to use one of the subsystems, please disable them in this configuration file. 

 h2. Start the daemon 


 Or if you installed it via a package simply start the foreman-proxy service. 

 h2. Add the smart-proxy to the Foreman's Smart Proxy page 

 Go to [FOREMAN_URL]/smart_proxies and klick New Proxy 
 Then you type in the Name for your Proxy and the URL of your Proxy, with the Port you use. 
 For example:  
 Name: Puppet-Proxy 