


Release Notes » History » Revision 7

Revision 6 (Dominic Cleal, 01/14/2013 03:54 AM) → Revision 7/11 (Dominic Cleal, 01/14/2013 03:55 AM)

h1. Release Notes 

 h3. Release notes for 1.1RC2 

 h4. Infrastructure 

 * Fix running tests on 1.8 and 1.9 

 h4. Puppet Other 

 * Proxy should return nil values for parameters with a function call 

 h3. Release notes for 1.1RC1 

 The 1.1 release brings support for BMC/IPMI management and support for importing classes and environments from masters running Puppet 3. 

 h4. Infrastructure 

 * Added a rackup configuration file 
 * Set umask properly to prevent world writable files (CVE-2012-5477) 
 * Create the PID parent directory if it doesn't exist 
 * Remove dependency on net-ping gem 

 h4. Puppet 

 * Export arguments of parameterized classes when loading classes 
 * Add REST interface for facts that are known from the proxy 
 * Fix class import with Puppet 2.7.19 
 * Load the puppet binary from the proper location when using 3.0+ 
 * Use /etc/puppet/puppet.conf by default 

 h4. PuppetCA 

 * Fix certificate exit code assertion with 2.7.19 

 h4. BMC 

 * Added BMC & IPMI support to the proxy (not yet integrated with Foreman core) 

 h4. DHCP 

 * Use locking to prevent address allocation race conditions 

 h4. Other 

 * Test cleanup using the helper 

 h3. Release notes for 1.0 

 * Added support for Ruby 1.9x 

 h4. DHCP 

 * now supports ISC dhcp include files. 

 h4. PuppetCA 

 * add support puppet >= 2.7.18 

 h4. DNS 

 * added support for IPV6 PTR records 

 h4. Puppet 

 * Support puppet dynamic environments  

 e.g. when using $environment in your modulepath are now parsed and reported correctly. 

 * retrieve puppet environments and classes via the [[API]] 

 h3. Release notes for 0.2 

 This is primarily a bug-fix release but there are some limited changes in functionality. 

 h4. PuppetCA 

 * An API for Puppet Certificate listing and signing is provided. 
 * An API for Autosign editing is provided. 
 * Puppet Certificate revocation is handled properly. 

 h4. TFTP 

 * A host's tftp server is retrieved from the host's DHCP smart-proxy. 
 * Added support for different variants of the PXE boot process. This release can support Solaris PXEGrub manipulation. 
 * Boot file downloading is more robust. 

 h4. DHCP 

 * Access to the DHCP server via omshell uses the secret key facility. 
 * Microsoft 64bit detection was fixed. 

 h4. General 

 * Better support for older ruby versions. 
 * Debian packaging has been revised. 
 * rake now supports a target *mail_patches* that automates developer's patch generation and submission to the foreman-dev group. 
 * Runs the smart-proxy process under the smart-proxy account and group. 
 * The smart-proxy API provides a *Version* call. 
 * Better error messages throughout. 
 * Smart-proxy return NOTFOUND errors when a resource is missing. This kind of failure is then handled correctly, in Foreman.