


Release Notes » History » Revision 9

Revision 8 (Ohad Levy, 01/14/2013 04:01 AM) → Revision 9/11 (Dominic Cleal, 01/25/2013 04:37 AM)

h1. Release Notes 

 h3. Release notes for 1.1RC3 

 h4. General 

 * Only create pid file directory when daemonized 

 h4. DHCP 

 * Fix exception when DHCP config not found 

 h4. Puppet 

 * Fixes to interpolation of $confdir in modulepaths 
 * Logs warning when environments not found in puppet.conf 
 * Fix Puppet 3 initialization, resolves issue with one class not being imported 

 h3. Release notes for 1.1RC2 

 h4. Infrastructure 

 * Fix running tests on 1.8 and 1.9 

 h4. Puppet 

 * Proxy should return nil values for parameters with a function call 

 h3. Release notes for 1.1RC1 

 The 1.1 release brings support for BMC/IPMI management and support for importing classes and environments from masters running Puppet 3. 

 h4. Infrastructure 

 * Added a rackup configuration file 
 * Set umask properly to prevent world writable files (CVE-2012-5477) 
 * Create the PID parent directory if it doesn't exist 
 * Remove dependency on net-ping gem 

 h4. Puppet 

 * Export arguments of parameterized classes when loading classes 
 * Add REST interface for facts that are known from the proxy 
 * Fix class import with Puppet 2.7.19 
 * Load the puppet binary from the proper location when using 3.0+ 
 * Use /etc/puppet/puppet.conf by default 

 h4. PuppetCA 

 * Fix certificate exit code assertion with 2.7.19 

 h4. BMC 

 * Added BMC & IPMI support to the proxy (not yet integrated with Foreman core) 

 h4. DHCP 

 * Changed the way IP addresses are offered, we now remember the last suggested ip address, and do not use it unless other options exusted. 
 This is required to ensure that no hosts/interfaces will be given the same ip address. 

 h4. Other 

 * Test cleanup using the helper 

 h3. Release notes for 1.0 

 * Added support for Ruby 1.9x 

 h4. DHCP 

 * now supports ISC dhcp include files. 

 h4. PuppetCA 

 * add support puppet >= 2.7.18 

 h4. DNS 

 * added support for IPV6 PTR records 

 h4. Puppet 

 * Support puppet dynamic environments  

 e.g. when using $environment in your modulepath are now parsed and reported correctly. 

 * retrieve puppet environments and classes via the [[API]] 

 h3. Release notes for 0.2 

 This is primarily a bug-fix release but there are some limited changes in functionality. 

 h4. PuppetCA 

 * An API for Puppet Certificate listing and signing is provided. 
 * An API for Autosign editing is provided. 
 * Puppet Certificate revocation is handled properly. 

 h4. TFTP 

 * A host's tftp server is retrieved from the host's DHCP smart-proxy. 
 * Added support for different variants of the PXE boot process. This release can support Solaris PXEGrub manipulation. 
 * Boot file downloading is more robust. 

 h4. DHCP 

 * Access to the DHCP server via omshell uses the secret key facility. 
 * Microsoft 64bit detection was fixed. 

 h4. General 

 * Better support for older ruby versions. 
 * Debian packaging has been revised. 
 * rake now supports a target *mail_patches* that automates developer's patch generation and submission to the foreman-dev group. 
 * Runs the smart-proxy process under the smart-proxy account and group. 
 * The smart-proxy API provides a *Version* call. 
 * Better error messages throughout. 
 * Smart-proxy return NOTFOUND errors when a resource is missing. This kind of failure is then handled correctly, in Foreman.