

D. Johnson

  • Login: fenris02
  • Registered on: 05/22/2011
  • Last sign in: 01/09/2013


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 1 1
Reported issues 0 2 2



01:16 PM Foreman Refactor #1624: Add database.yml to .gitignore
I would rather see a sample file in the git repo that can update along with whatever is needed or becomes default in ... D. Johnson


01:17 AM Foreman Bug #1008: Missing temp dirs on Fedora, and failure to log
Might be the same issue as #928
RPM test files, located at
Please let me ...
D. Johnson
01:16 AM Foreman Bug #928: Dependency problem with f15 / foreman.noarch 0:0.3rc1-1
RPM test files, located at
Please let me know if they work for you. (Both ...
D. Johnson


08:26 AM Foreman Bug #749: Dhcpd range value not used?
Few small items:
Smart-proxy knows how to read the range from dhcpd.conf, but does not convey that information back ...
D. Johnson
12:33 AM Foreman Bug #928: Dependency problem with f15 / foreman.noarch 0:0.3rc1-1

Erg. Redmine ate the diff, that did not work out.
Affected line should read:
D. Johnson
12:29 AM Foreman Bug #928: Dependency problem with f15 / foreman.noarch 0:0.3rc1-1
Here is the .spec file diff:
% diff -u ../foreman.spec foreman.spec
--- ../foreman.spec 2011-06-07 02:55:10.0000...
D. Johnson


04:29 PM Foreman Bug #928: Dependency problem with f15 / foreman.noarch 0:0.3rc1-1
This should work for C5 now. D. Johnson


12:12 AM Foreman Bug #928: Dependency problem with f15 / foreman.noarch 0:0.3rc1-1
on that system, can you run this command please?
rpm --eval 'F = 0%{?fedora} EL = 0%{?rhel}'
It should return somet...
D. Johnson


11:06 AM Foreman Bug #929 (Ready For Testing): Create a foreman-release package?
Applied in changeset commit:"814e3894b55ace2a24440c6828e41cbdb36d6be3". D. Johnson
11:06 AM Foreman Bug #928 (Ready For Testing): Dependency problem with f15 / foreman.noarch 0:0.3rc1-1
Applied in changeset commit:"471a7d5cddb0dd6ff97268632d0aca5e6ecc6fe4". D. Johnson

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